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摘 要 本次设计题目为安徽省芜湖市某综合大楼建筑给排水工程设计,该建筑为中危险Ⅰ级建筑,给排水设计及消防要求较高。 该建筑层地上十四层,地下一层,建筑总高度为60.45m。需设计生活给水系统、消火栓消防给水系统、自动喷水灭火给水系统、生活排水系统、屋面雨水排水系统。 城市给排水管道现状:本建筑物北侧有城市给水管可作为该建筑物的水源,其直径200mm,常年可提供的工作压力为0.28兆帕,管顶埋深为地面以下1.0 m。 该综合楼建筑高度60.45m。一、二、三层层高5.4m, 标准层层高为3.6m,地下室层高为5.4m。室内外地坪高差为0.45m,冻土深度0.3m。 本设计的有原始图五张,设计完成需提交的成果有:绘制的图纸数量19张,全部为计算机绘图;设计说明书、设计计算书要各一份;专业外文资料翻译,包括外文原文。 关键词: 给水系统 排水系统 消火栓消防给水系统 自动喷淋灭火系统 雨水排 水系统 全套图纸,加153893706 Abstract The design topic is the design of a comprehensive building water supply and drainage engineering in wuhu of anhui province,The building is in the risk of Ⅰ-level building,Fire Water System Design and demanding. fourteenth floor of the building on the ground floor, underground floor, total building height of 60.45meters. Design life required water supply system, fire hydrant water supply system, water sprinkler system, life drainage system, roof drainage systems. Status of urban water supply and drainage: the north side of the building has city water supply can be used as the building's water source, the diameter of 200 mm, available year round working pressure was 0.28 MPa, tube top depth is below ground level 1.0 m. The comprehensive building construction height 60.45m. First to three layers 5.4m,, layers of high standards for the 3.6m, the basement storey is 5.4m. Indoor field floor height difference 0.45m, depth of frozen soil 0.3m. The original map has a number of design, design is completed the results should be submitted are: drawings drawn no less than eight, all of computer graphics; the design specifications, design calculations to each of a; professional foreign language document translation, including the foreign language text (3000 ~ 5000 words.) Keywords: Water supply system Drainage system Fire hydrant water supply system Automatic sprinkler system Stormwater drainage system 目 录 1 设计说明··················································


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