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WINDOWS下的桌面日历的制作 摘 要 自上个世纪以来,随着电脑的逐渐普及,人们的工作和生活越来越方便和快捷,也使越来越多的人依赖于电脑办公。而传统的日程记事本逐渐显现出在当今时代的不足和局限性,比如不便携带、不便查阅、不能自动提醒等等,电脑桌面日历由此孕育而生。很快,桌面日历就以其方便的日期查询、个性化的日程安排、精确的闹钟提醒与配套的日志系统、美观的界面设计,受到广大电脑办公者的喜爱。 本设计就是针对当前网络上众多的桌面日历,综合其各项基本功能来开发一套属于自己的个性化日历日志系统。本设计主要采用C#+SQL的C/S设计模式,来实现不同用户的登录、日程编辑、日程提醒、日期查询、节假日管理等工作。方便了使用者对每日行程的掌握,也保护了各使用者之间的私人信息。 本设计按照功能模块分为用户登录模块、用户注册、日历和时间模块、节假日模块、日程行程模块、自动提醒模块、数据库模块。本文详细地介绍了该日历日程系统的功能需求、系统设计和具体实现。并简要介绍了系统开发采用的过程及方法。 关键词:桌面日历;日程;多用户 Design and Development of Desktop Calendar System Abstract As PC becomes more and more popular since last century, people’s work and life become more and more convenient, and people rely increasingly on computers. However, the conventional notepad has revealed its deficiencies and limitations, such as inconvenience. And conventional notepad can not alarm automatically also. So, the desktop calendar appears. Because of its convenient date inquiry, individualized schedule management system, accurate schedule alarm system and friendly user interface, desktop calendar is highly estimated among computer workers. Combining the functions of a number of today’s desktop calendars, this design aims to develop an individual desktop calendar and schedule system. It is developed by C# and SQL, based on C/S. Its functions include “multi-user login”, “schedule management”, “schedule alarm”, “date inquiry”, “holiday management” and so on. The calendar is convenient for users to check the schedule everyday, and also can protect each user's private information. The calendar includes “user login” module, “user registry and edition” module, “date and time” module, “holiday manage” module, “schedule manage” module, “schedule alarm” module and “database” module. This article describes the functional requirement, system design and detail implementation. It also describes the methods and development process of this system in brief. Key words: Desktop Calendar;Schedule;Multiple Users 目 录 论文总页数:23页 1 引言 1 2 相关理论基础 1 2.1 C/S模式 2 2.2 Vis


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