How to Teach English Vocabulary in Middle School英语专业毕业论文.doc

How to Teach English Vocabulary in Middle School英语专业毕业论文.doc

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How to Teach English Vocabulary in Middle School Abstract: The English vocabulary teaching in the middle school is an indispensable part of English curriculum. Just as a famous linguist Wilkins said, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” The writer found many drawbacks in the traditional English teaching through the teaching practice, for example, neglecting the scientific rules of study, etc .In order to improve the problem, the writer has done some research in different ways and put them into practice in class teaching. It proves that it is very useful to use different visual props, guessing the meaning of the words and playing games to stimulate students' interests. It will help students to overcome their anxiety and avoid the unfavorable affection from mother tongue and stimulate their motives of studying vocabulary. It has been adopted and proved to be effective in the vocabulary learning. Key words: vocabulary, context, competence, stimulate 摘要:中学英语的词汇教学是教学的重要环节。正如著名的语言学家维尔金斯所说,没有语法,我们几乎不能明确地表达思想; 而如果没有词汇我们则完全无法表达任何东西。作者通过教学实践发现了传统中学英语词汇教学的不足,如忽略了科学的学习规律等。针对目前中学英语课堂这些问题,笔者在课堂上尝试用不来同的方法来改善这一现状,并在教学实践中进行深入的探讨和充分运用。结果发现在课堂内,使用不同的直观教具、猜测词意、做游戏等方法来激发学生的学习欲望是非常有用的。在课堂外,应帮助学生克服学习词汇时的焦虑思想以及强调学习词汇的目的等方法解决学生的心理障碍。 关键词:词汇;语境;能力;刺激 ? Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………………i 摘要…………………………………………………………………………ii Contents……………………………………………………………………iii Introduction…………………………………………………………………1 1.The Importance of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School…厖厖1la 2. The Ways of Teaching Vocabulary in Class厖厖厖厖厖? 2.1 Using pictures 厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖? 2.2 Using drawings厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖4 2.3 Using ………………………………ii Contents…………objects and slides厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖6 2.4 Guessing the word厖厖厖? 2.2's meaning厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖7 2.5 Playing games厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖8 2.6 Learning in the 厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖4 2.3 Usicommunication厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?0 3. The Methods of Improving Their Vocabulary Out of Class厖厖11 3.1 Helping students to remove their anxiety厖厖厖厖厖?2 3.2 Training studentstroduction………………' interes



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