汽车专业英语project2 Automobile repair tools and equipment.pptVIP

汽车专业英语project2 Automobile repair tools and equipment.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * 东北大学出版社 高职高专改革创新示范教材 Project 2  Automobile repair tools and equipment * 改革创新示范教材 * Project 2  Automobile repair tools and equipment ?掌握汽车的常用维修工具、 仪器、设备及使用方法 ?掌握其常用术语 知识目标 能识别汽车常用维修工具 的英文表达,并能熟记相 关专业词汇 能读懂汽车维修常见检测 设备的英文使用说明,并 按照说明进行正确操作和 检测 能力目标 改革创新示范教材 * Task1  Automobile repair tools 1.New words and expressions efficient [i?fi??nt] a.效率高的,有能力的 prior [?prai?] a.优先的,在前的 maintenance [?meintin?ns] n.维修,保养 essential [i?sen??l] a.必不可少的;本质的,基本的 technician [tek?ni??n] n.技术员,技师 wrench [rent?] n.扳手 pliers [?plai?z] n.钳子 screwdriver [?skru:?draiv?] n.螺丝刀、起子 property [?pr?p?ti] n.财产;性质,性能 caution [?k?:??n] n.谨慎;注意(事项),警告 file [fail] n.档案;文件夹;锉刀 hammer [?h?m?] n.锤,榔头 lift [lift] vt.提,举;vi.升起;消散 n.电梯,举升机 知 识 准 备 改革创新示范教材 * 1.New words and expressions torque ?[t?:k] n.转矩,扭矩 gauge ?[geid?] n.测量仪表 jack ?[d??k] n.千斤顶 piston ?[?pist?n] n.活塞 valve ?[v?lv] n.阀,活门 spring ?[spri?] n.春(天);泉;弹簧,发条 tongs ?[t??z] n.夹子,钳子 universal ?[?ju:ni?v?:s?l] a.普遍的;万能的 socket ?[?s?kit] n.插座,套筒 prior to 先于,优于 a variety of 各种各样的 carry out 执行,实行 apart from ? 除…之外 知 识 准 备 改革创新示范教材 * 知识目 hex keys 内六角扳手 slip joint pliers 鲤鱼钳 Pair of pliers 钢丝钳 long nose pliers 尖嘴钳 pipe wrench 管子钳 steel wire brush 钢丝刷 feeler gauge 塞尺/厚度规 vernier caliper 游标卡尺 micrometer 外径千分尺 dial indicator 百分表 air compressor 空气压缩机 adjustable wrench 活动扳手 universal puller 通用拉拨器 digital multimeter 数字万用表 hydraulic jack 油压千斤顶 知 识 准 备 改革创新示范教材 * Automobile repair tools 任务 实施 改革创新示范教材 * Automobile repair tools 任务 实施 There is an old Chinese saying, “Efficient tools are prior to good harvests.” It is the same in the field of automobile maintenance. It is essential and helpful for a technician to get some efficient repair tools. There are a wide variety of repair tools in an auto.4S shop. When we talk about them, we should not be s


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