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# 862 # Chi nese A c up unct ur e & M ox ibust ion, Nov. 2007, Vol. 27 No. 11 :0255-2930(2007) 11-0862-03 综 述 : R 2461 2 :A v 李 丽 李 宁 吴 滨 ( , 610041) [ ] : 反映国内针灸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎研究现状, 为进 一步研究提供思路 依据 : 运用文献计量学方法, 以中国期刊全文数据库为资料来源, 对针灸治疗本病进行定量分析 : 共检出98 篇有效文献, 分别发表在 48 种期刊上; 以临床研究类文献为主; 综合疗法是常用治 法; 阳陵泉血海内膝眼犊鼻为常用穴位: 针灸治疗本病临床研究水平偏低; 针灸作用机理 研究不足; 需进 一步加强探讨综合治疗手段的最佳结合方案 [ ] 骨关节炎/ 针灸疗法; 膝关节; 文献计量学; @ 膝关节骨性关节炎 Bibliometric analysis of literature on acupuncture andmoxibustionfor treatment of knee osteoarthritis LI L i, L I N ing , W U B in ( Rehabilitat ion an Acupuncture Center, Huaxi Hospit al, Sichuan University , Cheng u 61004 1, China) ABSTRACT Objective T o reflect present situation of stu ies on acupuncture an moxibustion for treatment of knee osteoarthrit is ( KOA) , so as to provi e thinking an evi ence for further stu ies. Methods Quantitat ive analy- sis on acupunct ure an moxibustion treatment of KOA is carrie out w ith bibliometric metho , using CNKI as ata resource. Results Altogether 98 papers are effective, w hich are publishe on 48 journals; more clinical stu ies are involve ; combine therapy is commonly-ues metho , an Yanglingquan ( GB 34) , Xuehai ( SP 10) , Neixiyan ( EX-LE 4) , Dubi ( ST 35) are commonly-use acupoints. Conclusion The level of clinical stu y on acupuncture an moxibustion t reatment of KOA is low er; st u ies on the mechanism are insuff icient ; it is suggeste that stu ies on the best combine program of comprehensive treatment w ays nee to be further strengthene . K Y WORDS Osteoart hritis/ am ther; Knee Joint; Bibliometrics; @ Knee Osteoarthritis ( Knee Osteoarthritis, KOA) , / 0 , KOA 114 , , / 0, 16 , 98 , , , ,


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