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摘 要 近年来,随着全球经济贸易的蓬勃发展以及跨国公司的不断扩张,物流的发展超越了国界,迫切要求国际间的合作和交流,而且由于物流的外延扩大和内涵深化,国际物流作为物流的一种表现形式,日益得到各国政府和企业的重视和发展。同时,我国保税区作为内地对外开放的最高领域,在近十几年的发展过程中,取得了巨大的成就,但是跟国外的自由贸易区相比,还存在不少差距,这样阻碍了我国与其他各国间经济贸易交往的扩大和深化发展。然而由于保税区的独特优势和国际物流的特性,保税区具有发展国际物流的巨大潜力和必要。因此,如何有效地依托保税区发展国际物流,以促进保税区向自由贸易区转型,是我国各保税区管理和研究机构亟待解决的重大课题。正是出于这样的动因,本人选择我国保税区转型发展作为课题背景,研究保税区国际物流发展。 本论文是以我国保税区转型发展为背景,以上海外高桥保税区为实例,以保税区国际物流发展为主线,提出建立灰色模型进行保税区国际物流量预测,最后提出保税区物流产业目标体系和保税区国际物流发展策略。 本论文首先介绍了我国保税区基本情况及成就,接着由当前保税区发展现状和所面临的机遇挑战指出保税区必须向自由贸易区转型expansion of the transnational company, the development of logistics has transcended the boundary of one nation, which requires urgently the cooperation and communication among nations. In addition, with the broadening of the external circumstance and the deepening of the internal concept of logistics, international logistics, as one of the forms of logistics, has been highlighted and developed. On the other hand, in the Bonded Zones, the highest opening-up areas in the mainland of China, great accomplishments have taken place. However, compared to the Free Trade Zones abroad, there exist a great deal of gaps among them, which hinder the further contact and development of the economy and trade between other countries and China. However, owing to the unique advantage in the Bonded Zone and the characteristics of international logistics, there are great potentialities and necessities for developing international logistics in the Bonded Zone. Therefore, it is the significant subject facing the administrative and research organizations of the Bonded Zone, how to develop effectively the international logistics relying on the Bonded Zone in order to promote the transition from the Bonded Zone to the Free Trade Zone. Out of the motive and reason, I made the research on the development of the international logistics under the background of the development of the transition of the Bonded Zone. Under the background of the development of the transition of the Bonded Zone in China, and bas



Andy Warhol + 关注


