北师大版高一下Unit9《Wheels》(Lesson 1)word学案.docVIP

北师大版高一下Unit9《Wheels》(Lesson 1)word学案.doc

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lesson1 On Yoour Bike 要点一览 主要词汇 benefit, flat, convenient, therefore, bicycle, parking, convenience, hopeful, neighborhood, wherever, thief, chip, insert, indeed, consequence, arrest, bone, argue 主要短语 be fed up, work out, because of, thanks to 主要句型 The bikes are parked at special parking places and people who want to use them have to take them to another special parking place that has enough room 主要语法 现在完成进行时 要点详解: 单词: benefit vi. : to gain advantage, receive benefit 获益,得益,常跟from Who is most likely to benefit from the old lady’s death? 谁最可能因那老妇人去世而获益。 (2). Vt. to be useful, profitable, or helpful to 有益于 It’s an expensive investment but it will benefit the company in the long run. 投资很高但是从长远来看对公司有益。 (3). n. 利益,恩惠 For the benefit of those people who arrived late, I’ll just go over the plan again. 为了那些迟到的人,我要把计划再讲一遍。 She has had the benefit of a first-class education. 她因受过一流教育而获益 拓展: benefit from/ by 从。。。中受益 be of benefit to 对。。。有益[ for the benefit of 为了。。。的利益 2.convenient adj. saving trouble, suitable, easy to reach or use 合适的,方便得(不能以人做主语) It is not convenient for me to ring him up. 我现在不便于给他打电话。 Come to see me whenever it is convenient to you. 你什么时候方便就什么时候来看我。 Convenience n. the fact or quality of being convenient 方便,便利,合适 It is not to his convenience to go with you. 他不便于你一起去。 Please send me an answer at your convenience. 请在你方便事给我回信 3.therefore adv. 因此,所以 It rained, therefore the match was postponed. 天下雨,所以比赛延期了。 短语: work out (1). To excise to improve physical fitness 锻炼身体,做运动 He’s working out in the gym. 他正在健身房锻炼身体 (2). devise, plan, arrange 设计,制定,安排 The research centre worked out a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately. 研究中心拟定出了一项新计划并决定立即实施 (3). solve, find the answer of 解决,找到。。。的答案 They have worked out all the math problems by themselves. 他们已独立地将这些数学题目全部解出来了。 (4)turn out in the end, develop 结果,发展 Everything is working out well. 事事都很如意。 拓展: work at 从事于,致力于 work on 继续工作,从事于 out of work 失业 die at o



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