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无机盐工业 第 41卷第 5期 18 INORGAN IC CHEM ICALS INDUSTRY 2009年 5月 - * 1, 2 2 1 1, 2 , , , ( 1. , 450052; 2. ) : , , - - TG - D SC, X : , - - 100 , - ; , : - ; ; : TQ133. 1 : A : 1006- 4990( 2009) 05- 0018- 03 Reaction m echan ism of m ineralizers in the preparation of - alum ina nanopowder 1, 2 2 1 1, 2 L i Sup ing , ia X iaolin , Shang Xuejun , Zhong X iangchong ( 1.H igh TemperatureCeramicsInstituteZhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China; 2. School of aterialsScience and Engineering, Zhengzhou University) - A bstrac t: - alum ina nanopowderw as prepared by solgelm ethod w ith industrial pure alum ina sol as raw m aterial, zinc fluor ide and amm on ium n itrate as m ineralizers respectively. T hermograv mi etry- differential scann ing calormi etry ( TG - D SC), field em ission scann ing electron m icroscope( FE - SEM ), X - ray diffraction ( XRD ), and Zetasizer w ere used to characterize the therm o- reaction properties of sam ples. Results show ed that the phase transform ation temperature of- alu- m ina to- alum ina can be reduced by about 100 under the sam e cond ition, and the gained - alum ina nanopowder possesses smaller grain size and narrow er grain size distr ibution by adding amm onium nitrate compared w ith zinc fluoride. D ifferent m ineralizers have d ifferen t effects accord ing to the different reaction m echan ism of m ineralizers. T hen, reaction m echan ism ofm ineralizers w as analyzed and researched. K ey w ord


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