基于MSP430FG439的心率测量仪设计 .doc

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基于MSP430FG439的心率测量仪设计 .doc

毕业设计说明书中文摘要 基于MSP430FG439的心率测量仪设计 摘要:美国德州仪器公司推出的MSP430系列单片机具有低功耗、高性能及丰富的片上外围模块等优点,适合用于手持式仪器仪表中;其中MSP430FG43X单片机内部集成有可编程模拟运放等模块更适合用于便携式医疗器械中。文中给出了心率参数测量的理论基础,提出了心率测量仪设计的整体方案,对各子模块设计进行了详细的方案论证。硬件设计采用Protel 99 SE软件,完成了系统的电源电路、时钟电路,心电信号采集与预处理电路、LCD显示电路、与PC机通信接口电路等模块的电路原理图及PCB板图的设计与实现。软件设计完成了程序模块规划,心电信号处理、心率值计算及各接口模块的程序设计;给出了系统初始化,心电信号处理,心率值计算及LCD心率显示等模块程序设计的详细流程;在EW430 V3.20A开发平台下,通过与PC机相连的MSP430FETP140仿真器,将程序下载到MSP430FG439芯片的FLASH中,实现了心电信号的采集、处理、显示的编程与调试。通过系统软硬件联机调试,完成了心率测量仪的设计。给出了设计过程中遇到问题的分析与处理结果。 关键词:心率测量 MSP430FG439 INA321 毕业设计说明书外文摘要 Design of Heart Rate Meter Based on MSP430FG439 Abstract The Texas Instruments’ MSP430 series microcontroller are widely used in portable apparatus, which have the advantages of ultra-low power, high performance and rich peripheral modules, especially the MSP430FG439 has the programmable amplifier which is suitable for portable medical instrument. The principle and design scheme of measuring heart rate is described in the dissertation. Protel 99SE is used in hardware design, which completed schematic and printed circuit board (PCB) design including power supply circuit, clock circuit, electrocardiogram (ECG) signal gathering and pretreatment circuit, liquid crystal display (LCD) circuit,the communication circuit between MSP430 and Person Computer (PC). The detailed flow chart of modular programming, system initialization, ECG signal processing, heart rate’s calculating and displaying is given in software design. Under platform of IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 V3.20A (EW430 V3.20A), through the MSP430FETP140 emulator which connected to the PC, the programs can be downloaded to the target chip’s flash memory, realized the capture, disposal, displays programming and debugging of the ECG. signal. The heart rate meter design is completed via software and hardware 目 录 1 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 1 1.1.1 本设计在国内外的研究现状 1 1.1.2 本设计的研究目的及意义 1 1.2 论文的主要内容 2 2 心率计设计的方案设计 3 2.1 心率与心电参数测量的理论基础 3 2.1.1 心率及心率值测量 3 2.1.2 心电信号的特性 3 2.1.


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