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BINGO 对号入座 Circulate throughout the room. Meet someone who has ONE of the listed characteristics. 在培训室内寻找一个与表格所列性格相同的人。 Have that person initial the box. 由那个人在表格相应的地方签名。 Meet more people and try to get as many “bingo” rows as possible. 多找一些人,尽可能找到那些“对号入座”的人。 Why is This Important? 为什么如此重要? Your ability to coach effectively communicates to your performers that you care about them and are committed to helping them improve 你有效的指导能力向你的员工传递了这样一个信息——你关心他们并将致力于帮助提升他们的绩效 Coaching allows you to accomplish more with fewer resources 指导可以使你以较少的资源取得较大的成就,所谓事半功倍 Coaching creates a supportive environment that will improve morale and reduce turnover 指导会开创一种有益的环境,这将提升团队士气并降低人员流失 Coaching enables staff to adapt to change and increase productivity and efficiency 指导会使员工适应改变,提升工作效率 Develops interpersonal skills of managers and supervisors 开发经理人的人际沟通能力 Which Benefits do you want? 你想要什么益处呢? Read the listed benefits and outcomes typical when deploying collaborative coaching 阅读表中列举出开展合作性指导所能带来的典型的益处与成果 Select the five most important to you 选择对你来说最重要的五项 Please be prepared to share your responses 请准备和大家分享你的答案 The Changing Role of Management 管理者角色的改变 Why Are We Here? 为什么我们在这里? To become familiar with the GROOM collaborative coaching framework 熟悉GROOM合作性指导的框架 To explore and learn how to use the four coaching styles 探索和学习运用这四种指导风格 To practice ways to build effective working relationships with your staff 练习各种方法与员工建立有效工作关系 To learn how to create a Performance Management Map to suit each performer 学习如何完成适用于每位员工的绩效图 What Will I Learn? 我会学到什么? Read the listed statements 阅读下列文章 Identify the five most important to you 指出对你最重要的五项 Housekeeping 规则 Session Time: 8:30- 5:30 讨论时间: 8:30 – 5:30 Break Room and Rest Rooms 课间休息 Cell Phones and Pagers 移动电话和呼叫机 Room Temperature 房间温度 Class Agreements 课堂纪律 Self-Assessment: What Are My Current Behaviors? 自我评估 我现在的行为表现是什么? Evaluation of your current knowledge of this topic area will help you to determine how this workshop can enhance your current skill level 此



