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, Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci. 2008, 36( 19) : 8017- 8018, 8142 庆 卢瑶 * 吴丽爽, 王晓萍 ( , 150025) [ 目的] 研究小对叶对常用的抗生素的敏感性[ 方法] 将培养2 周的小对叶无菌苗叶片 成0. 5 cm 0. 5 cm 的小块, 在添加不同 浓度梯度的卡那霉素潮霉素壮观霉素和氯霉素4 种抗生素的MS1培养基上进行培养, 诱导其分化出芽, 研究了4 种抗生素对小对叶 外植体分化的影响[ 结果] 一定浓度的抗生素对小对叶离体叶片的分化均具有抑制作用; 确定了4种抗生素作为小对叶遗传转化研究 的筛选标记的适宜浓度:卡那霉素为 15 mg/L, 潮霉素为10 mg/ L, 壮观霉素为60 mg/ L, 氯霉素为20 mg/L; 小对叶对4 种抗生素的敏感程 度为: 潮霉素 卡那霉素 氯霉素 壮观霉素[ 结论] 在进行遗传转化之前, 对待转化材料进行抗生素敏感性测定是建立小对叶遗传 转化系统的必然条件 小对叶; 抗生素; 外植体分化 + S 722.3 7 A 0517- 6611( 2008) 19- 08017- 02 Effects of Antibiotics on Explant Differentiation of Hydrophyte Bacopa monnieri WU Lishuang et al (D partm nt of Biology, Harbin Normal Univ rsity, Harbin, H ilongjiang 150025) Abstract [ Obj ctiv ] Th propos was to study th s nsitivity of hygrophyt Bacop a monnieri toth common antibiotics. [M thod] Th l av s of B . mon nieri as ptic s dlings cultur d for 2 w ks w r cut into th bits with ar aof 0. 5 cm 0.5 cm, th n th y w r cultur d on th MS1m dium with addition of 4 antibiotics (kanamycin, hygromycin, sp ctacular adriamycin and chloramph nicol) at diff r nt concn. grad s for th ir induction of th diff r ntiation and budding so as to study th ff cts of 4 antibiotics on xplant diff r ntiation of B. monnieri . [ R sult] Th diff r ntiation of in vitro l av s of B . monnieri was inhibit d by c rtain concn. of 4 antibiotics. Th optimal concn. of 4 antibiotics as th s l ction mark r for th r s arch on g n tic transformation of B. mon nieri was that kanamycin was 15 mg/ L, hygromycin 10 mg/ L, sp ctacular adriamycin 60 mg/L and chloramph nicol 20 mg/ L, r sp. Th s nsitivity d gr of B . monnieri to 4 antibiotics in ord r was hygromycin kanamycin chloramph nicol sp ctacular adriamycin. [ Conclusion] B for th g n tictransfor mation, th antibiotics s nsitivity t st was th n c ssity condition for stablishing th g


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