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前 沿 2009.13 中国水利 城市化与城市防洪理念的发展 1 2 3 刘金平 , 杜晓鹤 , 薛 燕 ( 水利部水文局, ,北京; 中国水利水电科学研究院防洪抗旱减灾研究所, ,北京; 1. 100053 2. 100038 3. 北京市水文总站,100089 ,北京) 摘 要: 城市化水平的不断提高,带来了经济社会的繁荣和发展,同时也提高了城市暴雨洪水的敏感性和城市 对水灾的脆弱性。这种洪水特征导致洪水灾害所产生的社会经济损失越来越大。针对这种现象,必须结合城市暴 雨洪水特点,在研究城市洪水形成机制的基础上,通过建立城市洪灾脆弱性指数、制定优先考虑城市防洪安全的 城市发展规划、建立城市雨洪利用和管理体系,实现科学发展、协调发展和可持续发展的城市防洪减灾新理念, 为城市和国家经济社会的可持续发展提供安全保障。 关键词:城市化;城市洪水;洪水灾害;城市防洪 Urbanization and the development of urban flood control theory//Liu Jinping, Du Xiaohe, Xue Yan Abstract: Urbanization brings prosperity and economic and social development, and simultaneously leads to the increases of the vulnerability of urban areas to withstand rainstorm and flood disasters. The features of urban flood result in the increase of the local social and economic losses. Based on the investigation of the urban storm features, the flood formation mechanism in urban areas, the establishment of urban flood vulnerable index system, as well as the formulation of urban development plan giving prior consideration to urban flood safety, the rational, harmonious, and sustainable urban flood control and disaster mitigation theory can be realized, so as to guarantee the sustainable development of the urban areas as well as of the whole country. Key words: urbanization; urban flood; flood disaster; urban flood control 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: ( ) TV878 B 1000-1123 2009 13-0015-04 所未有的城市化现象,特别是在发展 例加大。 美国海洋与大气局国家地理 一


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