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* 例1:After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the development of the computers. This development permitted the automation of many repetitive office tasks as well as complicated engineering and scientific calculations. 【译文】战后,这种知识大量地用于研制计算机,计算机的研制成功使很多重复的事务性工作及复杂的工程和科学计算实现了自动化。 * 例2:The following morning, she was given another shock by the woman who finally found her papers. There was a missing form—… 【译文】第二天上午,那个女人终于找到了她的材料,但又冒出了一个想不到的问题,少了一份表格——…… * 例3:Just then, Bolek, swaggered in, a young man of medium height, husky, with a red pock-marked face, pale blue eyes, yellow hair … 【译文】这当儿,博莱克摇摇晃晃地走进来,他是个中等身材的小伙子,身体健壮,一脸红麻子,淡蓝眼睛,黄头发…… 小节结束 * 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 1.Failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting given to you is an unkindness to the other person, and very bad manners. 【译文】不给人打招呼或是不回应别人的招呼,便是失礼、不友好的表示。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 2.It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 【译文】我原先打算在今年一月访问中国,后来我不得不推迟,这使我深感失望。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 3.Now Jane is delighted to get her diploma. For twice she had wanted to quit school, but she changed her mind with the help of her teacher. 【译文】现在珍妮很高兴拿到毕业文凭。当初她曾两次要退学,不过在老师帮助下,她后来改变了主意。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 4.He saw advertised in the local newspaper a teaching post from a school not far from where he lived. (宾语后置) 【译文】他从当地的报纸上看到一则离他住的地方不远的一所学校征聘教师的广告。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 5.Have to be tough with you, I know that. Talking nicely is just waste of time. 【译文】我知道你这小子吃硬不吃软,跟你说好听的没用。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意的表达(参考译文) 6.Although they were promised better housing in the North, some families were forced to live in overcrowded and unhealthy quarters. 【译文】虽然他们获得保证,在北部会有更好的住房,可是很多家庭仍不得不住在拥挤不堪,卫生条件极差的地方。 * 课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意句意表达(参考译文) 7.The most valuable in life is life; the greatest necessity in life is study; the greatest pleasure in life is work, while the most important in life is friendship. (Stalin) 【译文】人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习


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