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新编基础医学英语答案部分 2 the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. It focuses on education and responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and well being. 2. Holistic Health is a total approach to life both in physical and spiritual terms. The goal of holistic healing is to achieve maximum body function, where individual body parts are functioning the very best that is possible by themselves. 3. In mainstream medicine, a holistic approach generally means a more inclusive approach to a person's health, one that includes the patient's social and cultural situation as well as her or his illness. 4. Holistic medicine can involve the use of conventional and alternative therapies but focuses mostly on lifestyle changes. 5. Holistic medicine has its roots in several ancient healing traditions that stress healthy living and being in harmony with nature. Socrates promoted a holistic approach. Plato was another advocate of holism, advising doctors to respect the relationship between mind and body. Hippocrates, emphasized the body's ability to heal itself and cautioned doctors not to interfere with that process. It was not until 1926, however, that Jan Christian Smuts coined the term "holism", which has given us the more integrated concept of psychosomatic medicine now known as holistic medicine. In the 1970s, "holistic" became a more common term. II 1. Holistic medicine 2. Holistic health 3. homeostasis 4. lifestyle changes 5. Holistic medicine Translation I 1. 整体健康指身体和精神两个方面都健康。它强调的重点不是具体的病种或患病部位, 而是作为整体的一个人与其所处环境的相互关系情况。 2. 任何人无论目前身体状况如何,只要采用整体健康的方法,其健康水平都会有明显的 提高。 3. 尽管很多情况下,整体健康和整体医学这两个术语可以交换使用,但整体健康指达到 身体、心理、精神和情感的健康,而整体医学指藉整体健康理论治疗疾病。 4. 有人宣称在不采用主流医学即常规医学的条件下仅依靠整体医学就可以有效地治疗癌 症或其它疾病,但现有的科学证据并不支持这种说法。 5. 在主流医学中,整体医疗一般指一种更为全面的治疗方法,它不仅治疗疾病,还要考 虑与患者有关的社会和文化情况。 II 1. Holistic medicine focuses on education and responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and well being. 2. Holistic medicine is based on the very basic law of nature that


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