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the call of the wild

The Call of the Wild Jack London Unit6 The Call of the Wild( II) Jack London Chapter 3 *The primitive beast of Buck had become more and more stronger .The conflicts between Buck and Spitz became fierce . *When Spitz occupied Buck’s sheltered spot , the fight to death broke out eventually. They were ready to fight with each other, but interrupted by huskies. Question: What was kind of thing that interrupted the fight ? A pack of savage dogs attack the team. Starting on the trail again Why Perrault traveled close to the edges of the ice ,and the result? He tried to save time . s It took them six days to cover the dangerous trail along the rapid waters of the thirty-mile river . Then the trail become easier ,for the smaller rivers were completely frozen over with thick ice . The travel was filled with juries and tire. then suddenly one morning Dolly went mad. An unforeseen event – Dolly went mad Some details Dolly She pointed her nose to the sky and howled in a frightening voice that made all the dogs tremble with fear . She jumped straight at Buck. At last, she was killed by Francois. Challenge Spitz —as lead dog and master of the team ,felt that this strange Southland dog (Buck) threatening his position. Buck—it was true that he wanted the position of leadership; it was true he wanted to be the master of the team. Return to Skagway For seven days they rested and then Perrault was ordered on the trail again to return to Skagway. Perrault: ? carrying very important messages. ? wanting to make the run between Dawson and Skagway in record time . The battle to the death Buck and Spitz are ready to fight with each other ,they just wait for the opportunity. When did The battle to the death begin? In a flash Buck knew it . The time had come and he was ready. This was the battle to the death. How did Buck defeat his rival? Buck defeated his rival not only because his primitive knowledge of fighting had awoke in him but also be


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