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2010 6 Jun. 2010 8 3 Presentday L aw Sc ience V o.l 8 N o. 3 * 陈传法, 冯晓光 ( 北京化工大学文法学院, 北京 100029 : 射幸合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循最大诚信原则射幸合同创设并 当事人间分配射幸 性风险时, 引发了一些社会问题, 需要立法予以规制判断射幸合同合法性的一般标准是: 射幸合同是否严重 损害当事人 一方利益他人利益或社会公共利益; 某种习俗或习惯法的存 可以推定其社会危害性较轻根 据这 一标准, 结合不同类型的射幸合同, 分别判定其合法性并赋予其不同的法律效果, 是未来民法典射幸合同 立法的可行选择 : 射幸合同; 射幸性; 风险; 合法性; 立法建议 : D 9236 : A : 1672-769X ( 2010 0 3-0015-05 T he S tudy on the Leg is lation of A leato ry Contract CHEN Chuan-fa, FENG X iao-guang ( Co lleg e of H uman it ies and L aw of B eij ing Un iv ersity of Chem ical Technology, B e ij ing 100029, Ch ina) Abs tract: T he uncerta inty nature of alea tory contract determ ines that the princ ip le of utm ost good fa ith should be app lied. A s the a leatory risk is created and a llocated by aleatory contract, it triggers som e social prob lem s that need to be regulated by leg islat ion. T he genera l standards to judge the leg itmi ation o f aleatory contract are as fo llow s: if the contract dam ages the interests of one party, interests o f others, o r public interests; if the social harm fu lness o f a leatory contract can be presum ed to be slight by the g iven cu stom s and cu stom ary law. A ccord ing to such standers, the future leg isla- t ion on a leatory contract of civil law shou ld judge the leg itmi at ion o f d ifferent type respective ly, and prov ide different legal effects. K ey w ords: aleatory contract; uncerta inty; risk; leg itmi ation; leg islat ive proposa l , , , , , , , , , , ,



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