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amid prep.in the middle of, among 在…之中 * disastrous a. extremely bad; terrible 灾难性的,糟透的 lord n. (in Britain) title of some officials of very high rank(英)大臣;大人,阁下 admiralty n. (the A~)(in Britain) government department in charge of the navy (英)海军部 campaign n. 1. a series of planned military actions 战役 2. a planned series of activities, esp. in politics and business 运动 bloody a. 1. very violent, with a lot of wounding and killing 血腥的 2. covered with blood 血污的 mission n. 1. (usu. military) duty or purpose for which people are sent somewhere [常指军事]任务 2. 天职,使命 privately ad. 1. not publicly 非公开地 2. personally; secretly 在涉及私(个)人方面;秘密地 private a. 1. personal; secret 私(个)人的;秘密的 2. not public 非公开的 disaster n. (a)sudden great misfortune 灾难,天灾;祸患 * grief n. a feeling of extreme sadness 悲哀 * grieve v. suffer from grief or great sadness (为…而)悲伤;伤心 retreat n. 1. a place into which one can go for peace and safety 隐居处 2. 撤退;避难 vi. move back or leave a center of fighting or other activity 撤退;退避 muse, Muse n. 1. (in Greek mythology) one of the nine goddesses of poetry, music, etc. 缪斯(希腊神话中司文艺的九位女神之一) 2. a force or person that inspires sb. to write, paint, etc. 创作灵感 rescue n. help which gets sb. out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation 救助;救援 vt. 救助;救援 sister-in-law n. sister of one's husband or wife 姑子;姨子;嫂子;弟媳 sketch v. make a quick, rough drawing (of sth.) 素描,速写 n. 素描,速写 watercolo(u)r n. 水彩(颜料);水彩画 magic n. 魔法,法术 a. 有魔力的 * distract vt. (from) take (one's mind, sb.) off sth. 转移(注意力); 使转移注意力 * canvas n. 1. a piece of strong heavy cloth used for an oil painting 帆布画布 2. a completed oil painting 油画 * contemplate vt. look at in a serious or quiet way, often for some time (默默地)注视,凝视 blank a. 1. without writing, print or other marks 空白的 2. expressionless;without understanding 无表情的;茫然的 unaccustomed a. not used (to sth.); not usual (对某物)不习惯的;不寻常的 accustomed a. regular; usual 惯常的,通常的 hesitantly ad. not doing sth. quickly or immediately for one's uncertainty or worry about it 犹豫不决地 infinite a.


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