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英语专业八级翻译试题真题2011专八翻译真题参考答案(爱思网友版)(汉译英)现代社会充满了矛盾,从价值观的持有到生活方式的选择,而最让人感到尴尬的是,当面对重重矛盾,许多时候你却别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式,也可以说是两种生活态度,但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式与态度间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自己到底是‘休闲着’还是‘匆忙着’。譬如说,当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,告知客户或工作方面出了麻烦现代便捷先进的通讯工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无,接下来的休闲只能徒有其表,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。 2011专八汉译英参考答案(爱思网友提供) Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whether they are “at ease” or “in a rush”. For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suenly we receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our customers and workso at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy featuresand we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind. (英译汉)When flying over Nepal, it's easy to soar in your imagination and pretend you're tiny-a butterfly - and drifting above one of those three-dimensional topographical maps architects use, the circling contour lines replaced by the terraced rice paddies that surround each high ridge.? Nepails a small country, and from the windows of our plane floating eastward at 12,000 feet, one can see clearly the brilliant white mirage of the high Himalayas thirty miles of the left window. Out the right window, the view is of three or four high terraced ridges giving sudden way to the plains of India beyond.? Three were few roads visible below, mosttransportation in Nepal being by foot along ancient trails that connect and bind the country together. There is also a network of dirt airstrips, which was fortunate for me, as I had no time for the two-and-a-half week trek to my destination. I was no a flight to the local airport.? 2011专八英译汉参考答案(爱思网友提供) 飞机飞越尼泊尔上空时。你很容易天马行空起来,假想自己很渺小像只蝴蝶在建筑师所使用的某个三维地形图上方漂浮着,在这里,地形图一圈圈的轮廓线变成了环绕高耸的山脊成阶梯状的稻田。 尼泊尔是个小国。我们的飞机在12000英尺的高空向东飞去。从左边的机窗望去,你能清晰地看到30英里开外的高耸的喜马


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