13 O2 & CO2 transport英文教材.pptVIP

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* Found in birds Different lungs system Second best (medium intake PO2 = environmental PO2) * anphys-opener-21-0.jpg * Iclicker1 True: the PO2 of a gas mixture at 15 mmol/l is exactly triple that of the 5mol/l solution Iclicker 2 True: The solubility of any given gas in aqueous solution is greatest for gases with the higher absorption coefficient C=AP (eg. CO2 > O2) False: lower solubility in the Arctic Ocean than in the Gulf of México at given same salinity (cooler dissolve more) False: lower solubility in Lake Okeechobee than Gulf of Mexico at a given the same temperature False: higher amount of dissolved O2 compared to CO 2 in cold dH2O Iclicker 3 w/ diagram about turtle eggs The turtle nest filled up with water between day 50 and 60 limiting O2 diffusion and Krough coefficient for O2 is 200 000x higher in air than in water * * Oxygen exchange is the most important and primary physiological demands * Gas exist in gas phase and liquid phase Partial pressure drives the gas transport (like osmotic) In gas phase, partial pressure is proportional to concentration (n/V) when RT is given * * * In liquid phase, concentration ? in proportional to (with absorption coefficient) partial pressure * Creek 小溪 More salt, less dissolved gas (cause of dead sea, less oxygen available for living organisms) Cold, diluted water is the best Iclicker 1 B. tropic marine environment has lower oxygen * Iclicker 2 Freshwater A. higher oxygen * * dH2O seawater PO2=1 atm PO2=2atm A= 2.2 A=1.7 C= 2.2M C=3.4M * * Water beetle: oxygen in the water constantly displace the oxygen in the bubble So moving down the partial pressure gradient, not concentration of oxygen regarding “air bubble situation and water situation” Movement only depends on PP * * Diffusion of gas in water is very low Some place in water is even hard for fishes to breathe because there is no air * Once oxygen binds hemoglobin, oxygen no longer contribute to the prartial pressure Keep balance in blood and


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