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毕 业 论 文 论文题目 基于Atmega128单片机的电梯控制系统 ?? 摘 要 本文介绍了以 Atmega128单片机为核心控制器件的电梯自动控制系统,包括课题概述、方案论证、硬件设计、软件设计、系统调试等几个部分。该系统采用 Atmega128单片机作为控制核心,通过扫描内外按键按下与否引起的电平的改变,作为用户请求信息发送到单片机,控制电动机转动,单片机根据楼层检测结果控制电机停在目标楼层,单片机通过hx711称重模块,判断出此时电梯的重量。自动开关门部分通过接近开关、霍尔限位开关等完成到达目标楼层自动开关门功能。掉电保护部分实时保护电梯电梯时电梯厢不会往下坠,12864液晶、数码管、蜂鸣器实时显示、提示当前的信息。硬件部分主要有电源模块、单片机最小系统、每层楼层检测模块、12864和数码管显示部分、电动机驱动模块、按键模块、报警模块、自动开关门、智能防夹模块、掉电保护等部分组成。软件部分介绍了系统程序设计思路、程序功能分析,着重介绍了主程序的逻辑结构,还分别介绍了报警、按键扫描、层位读取、显示、电梯控制逻辑等子程序的结构和功能。软件部分,使用C语言编写,易于调试。硬件设计简单可靠,结合软件,基本实现了五层电梯运行的逼真模拟。 关键词:Atmega128;hx711称重;液晶显示;自动开关门;电梯控制; The Elevator Control System Based on Microprocessor Abstract This article introduces the Atmega128 microcontroller as the core control device of the elevator control system, including the issues outlined, program feasibility studies, hardware design, software design, system debugging, and several other parts.The system uses a microcontroller as the control centre, Firstly, it is by scanning the internal and external electrical level change caused by keyboard to be a user requests information to the microcontroller,control the motor rotation, the microcontroller controls the motor based on test results floors stopped in the target floor. Hardware part mainly are made of the microcontroller, floor detection module, horizon 12864, digital tube display, electric motor drive module, key scan module, alarm module, circuit directions up and down the line calls and other components.Floor detection uses photoelectric sensors. When elevator goes to the appropriate floor, Photoelectric sensors produce electrical level changes sent to the microcontroller to determine the floor,.The part of motor control uses stepper motor and 6560 stepper motor drive module.Software components intorduce System programming design ideas, procedures, functional analysis . It is not only focusing on the logical design of the main structure but also separately introduced the warning function, the demonstration function, the pressed



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