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Questions Feedback * * Think about times when you’ve been stressed… How did you know? What did it feel like? How did others know you were stressed? Take a moment and make a brief list about what happens for you when you are stressed * As you look at your own list, you might notice some things that are considered “emotional” signs of stress For example, some people feel anxious and worried While others feel irritable or angry Still others might feel overwhelmed or depressed * In addition to the emotions You might have also listed things like being forgetful or being confused For many people, it is hard to pay attention and to think logically when stress levels are high So, when you are stressed, it is harder to think – and it’s harder to learn * Stress also impacts how we feel physically Do you have headaches or neck tension when you are under a lot of stress? Stress is known to suppress the immune system – we are more likely to get the flu, colds, or other illnesses when under stress We might also notice difficulty breathing or rapid heart rates This is called the fight or flight response So – stress effects all aspects of our being The mind, the body, and the emotions * So, you know what it is like to feel stressed What are the things that make you stressed? Write down a few of your biggest stressors * Take a look at your list Many times when we think about stressors, we think about the “bad stuff” Things that we don’t particularly find enjoyable Like problems at work, the death of a family member But – “good stuff” can also cause stress A new relationship is enjoyable and exciting But is also takes time and energy --- and can cause stress Starting a new job – an exciting new phase of your life And something that can and will be stressful Good stuff and bad stuff – It’s all stress * A definition that captures this idea is the following Stress develops when external demands or pressures strain the internal resources Basically – when the demands


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