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1 1 2 2 1上海市特种设备监督检验技术研究院 上海 200062 2 上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室 上海 200030 : , , ; , , : ; ; ; ; : TH215 : A : 1001- 0785 (2010) 06- 0001- 05 A bstrac t: Fuzzy m athematics m ethod is ado ted to conduct risk assessm ent on the structure dam age caused by oten- tial risks as corrosion, crack, strength and deform ation of them etal structure of bridge craneAccord ing to the characteris- tics of risk factor of bridge crane, the mu lt-i level com rehensive judgm en t system w ith the subsystem of d ifferent m etal structure dam ages of bridge crane is estab lishedThe fuzzy com rehensive judgm ent theory is a lied to the risk assessm ent on m etal structure of bridge crane to obtain the influence of d ifferen t m etal structure re air factors of bridge crane on the risk, so as to rovide reference basis tom ore directly reduce the risk K eyw ords: bridge crane; m etal structure; risk; system; factor : 1 , , , , , , 2 , 1, , 21 , , , [ 7] 2 [ 1- 3] , , [ 4- 6] , Monte-Carlo W = p ci i ( 1) I , ,


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