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第 32 卷 第 22 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.32 No.22 Aug. 5, 2012 2012 年 7 月 5 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2012 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 39 0258-8013 (2012) 22-0039-07 TM 72 A 470 40 文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码: 学科分类号:  基于量子粒子群优化算法的 城市电动汽车充电站优化布局 刘自发,张伟,王泽黎 (华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京市 昌平区 102206) Optimal Planning of Charging Station for Electric Vehicle Based on Quantum PSO Algorithm LIU Zifa, ZHANG Wei, WANG Zeli (School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Changping District, Beijing 102206, China) ABSTRACT: A comprehensive objective function was 0 引言 presented to address the problem of locating and sizing of 近年来,石油价格的不断攀升,加之汽车排放 electric vehicle charging stations in this paper. The constructed objective function includes construction costs, equipment costs 污染物带来的严重环保问题,节能减排成为全世界 and running costs including power supply loss etc. This 的新课题,新能源汽车迎来了发展的最佳时机。国 problem is a classical non-convex, non-linear, and 外多家战略咨询公司一致认为:未来 5 年将迎来一 combinatorial optimization one. A quantum particle swarm 次世界范围内的电动汽车研发与产业化高潮。据业 optimization (QPSO) algorithm was proposed to solve this 内专家预测,到2020 年,中国 10%~20%的乘用车 problem. The characteristics of superposition state and 销量将来自纯电动汽车、充电式混合动力汽车和其 probability expression in the quantum theory was adopted in 他新能源汽车,其中城市交通以电动为主,电动汽 the algorithm to potentially increase the diversity of the


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