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本科生毕业论文 姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 应 用 技 术 学 院 专 业: 安 全 工 程  论文题目: 羊东矿90万吨矿井通风与安全设计 专 题: 工作面瓦斯抽放设计与研究 指导教师: 职 称:教 授 2009年 6月 徐州 摘 要 本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。 一般部分为矿t/a新井设计。矿位于河北省市部,交通便利。主采煤层为2号煤,平均倾角为13°,煤层平均总厚为.53m。井田地质条件较为简单。 井田工业储量为,矿井可采储量。矿井服务年限为a。矿井正常涌水量为m3/min,最大涌水量为m3/min。矿井瓦斯涌出量瓦斯矿井。 井田划分为两水平,第一水平标高为-m,第二水平标高为-m。采用双立井开拓,主井装备箕斗,副井装备罐笼。大巷采用胶带运输机运煤,辅助运输采用固定式矿车运输。矿井通风方式为式通风。 矿井年工作日为30d,工作制度为“三八”制。 专题部分 全套联系153893706 ABSTRACT This design consists of three parts: the general part, the special part and translated part. The general part is a new design of YangDong mine. This mine production capacity is 0.9Mt/a.YangDong mine lines in West of HanDan in HeBei province. The traffic of road and railway is very convenience to the mine. The geological structure of this area is simple. The run of the minefield is 5.86 km ,the width is about 3km,the area is ㎞2.The two is the main coal seam, and its dip angle is 13 degree. The thickness of the mine is about 6.5m in all. The proved reserves of the minefield are million tons. The recoverable reserves are 82.05 million tons. The designed productive capacity is 18 million tons percent year, and the service life of the mine is 60 years. The normal flow of the mine is 8.0m3/min and the max flow of the mine is 8.5m3/min,absolute gas sudation is 11 m3/min. The gas of the mine is high gaseous mine. The field has been divided two mining levels. The first level should be located at the lever of -780 meters. The second level should be located at the level of -980 meters. The mine used two well to opening. The main shaft skip install skip and the auxiliary shaft install cage. The main entry transportation of the coal is using with the belts, and the auxiliary entry is using of 1.5t Stationary mine car. Centre border ventilation system is used in the mine. Th


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