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外国语学院2013级 硕士研究生课程论文 学年、学期 2013/2014学年第一学期 院 部 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 外国语言学及应用语言学 课程名称 跨文化交际学 姓 名 许 霞 学 号 132080012 任 课 教 师 方 小 勇 成 绩 Barriers and Solutions ----A Closer Look at Intercultural Communication Abstract As the development of intercultural communication, many scholars discuss or approach intercultural communication from verbal, nonverbal and other perspectives which all make great contribution to intercultural communication. This paper intends to examine the barriers to intercultural communication. In the intercultural communication and cooperation, cultural conflicts often occur. Although the difference between different cultures is no substantial, it is found at all levels: thinking mode, value orientation, communication norms pragmatic transfer and prejudice. Better understanding those factors that affect the intercultural communication can help to diminish communicative obstacles. Besides, the paper also explores some solutions of improving intercultural communication and overcoming the barriers. With these solutions, there will be more understanding and harmony between people from different cultures in the world. Key words: barriers; thinking mode; value orientation; communication norms; pragmatic transfer; prejudice; solutions 交际障碍与应对策略 --跨文化交际的一次近观 摘要关键字:障碍;思维模式;价值取向;交际规范;语用转移;偏见;方法 Abstract (English) I Abstract (Chinese) II Contents III Ⅰ Introduction 1 Ⅱ Barriers to Intercultural Communication 1 2.1Thinking Mode 2 2.2 Value Orientation 3 2.3 Communication Norms 4 2.4 Pragmatic Transfer 4 2.5 Prejudice 5 2.5.1 Definition of Prejudice 5 2.5.2 Expressions of Prejudice 6 2.5.3 Functions of Prejudice 7 Ⅲ Solutions of Improving Intercultural Communication 9 3.1 Enough knowledge 9 3.2 Skilled Actions 10 Ⅳ Conclusion 10 Bibliography 12 Barriers and Solutions ----A Closer Look at Intercultural Communication Ⅰ Introduction Since the adoption of the opening up and reform policy, China has increased



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