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特检之苑 第 3 1 卷 第 9 期 中国工业锅炉能效测试与评价能力 建设进展 王中伟 管 坚 常勇强 齐国利 ( 中国特种设备检测研究院 北京 100029) 摘 要:本文总结了 8 年以来我国工业锅炉测试与评价提升能力建设的进展,中国特检院依托国家和质 检总局科研项目,组织制定了高耗能特种设备节能监管政策,协助总局建立了法规标准体系使得工业锅炉能 效测试制度顺利实施,开发了工业锅炉能效测试数据计算与管理平台,培育了能效测试技术队伍,建立了锅 炉能效测试与评价技术实验室,并获得全球环境基金项目赠款,为我国培育高耗能特种设备节能领域的国际 级专家,对亚太发展中国家特种设备节能起到标杆示范作用。 关键词:工业锅炉 能效测试 节能监管 能力建设 Progress of Capacity Building for Industrial Boiler Energy Efficiency Testing and Evaluation Wang Zhongwei Guan Jian Chang Yongqiang Qi Guoli ( ) China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute Beijing 100029 Abstract This article sums up the eight years’ progress of industrial boiler energy efficiency testing and evaluation capacity building in China. Relying on national R&D projects and AQSIQ R&D projects, CSEI set up the energy conservation policies for special equipment energy conservation, assisted AQSIQ to set up the regulation and standard system in order to make system of industrial boiler energy efficiency testing implement smoothly, developed the industrial boiler energy efficiency testing data calculation and management platform, fostered an efficiency testing technical team, built the boiler energy efficiency testing and evaluation technology laboratory, meanwhile obtained the global environment facility project grants which would foster international experts in the field of energy conservation for high energy consuming special equipment in China and to make energy conservation benchmarking demonstration effect for developing countries in the Asia-pacific area. Keywords Industrial boiler Energy efficiency testing Energy conservation supervision Capacity building 中图分类


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