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From a statue of the Greek God Hypnos Greek Religion from Homeric Age Zeus and his Circle youngest son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea Origin of the name Lord of the sky, rain god, cloud gatherer Wielded thunderbolts His breastplate: the aegis His bird: the eagle His tree: oak on Mount Olympus in Thessaly (Thessalia) principal shrines at Dodona Olympic Games were celebrated in his honor every fourth year god of justice and mercy vs. Stories of his escapades an attribute of Zeus and Athena (or their Roman counterparts Jupiter and Minerva) usually represented as a goatskin shield 神盾,宙斯盾,羊皮盾(宙斯和雅典娜或罗马主神朱庇特和密涅瓦的象征标志) * * * * * Gods Classified 4. Disruptive Deities Satyrs 半人半兽森林神 Centaurs 人马族 Sirens 塞壬(女海妖) Mortals Classified Mortals Human beings sprang from the ground A Titan molded the firs human being (clay) Destruction of humanity (similar to Biblical deluge) Mortals Classified 1. Creation of Human Beings Sprang directly from the earth (Arcadians – Pelasgus: first king of Arcadia) The Thebans: Cadmus – teeth of a dragon Prometheus – water and earth 普罗米修斯(十二提坦神之一 Iapetus 之子) 伊阿珀托斯: 人类的祖先 为人类盗取火种 卡德摩斯(降龙勇士) Mortals Classified Re-creation of Humanity Zeus sent a deluge Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha (like Noah and his wife) 丢卡利翁(普罗米修斯之子) 皮拉(Epimetheus之女) Parnassus: A mountain, about 2,458 m (8,060 ft) high, of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In ancient times it was sacred to Apollo, Dionysus, and the Muses. Delphi was at the foot of the mountain. 巴那塞斯山:希腊中部一座海拔约2,458米(8,060英尺)的山,位于科林斯海湾的北边。古时候是阿波罗、 狄俄尼索斯和缪斯的圣地。特尔斐就在此山脚下。 Landed on Mount Hermes was sent by Zeus to instruct them how to repopulate the world. Mortals Classified 2. The Greek People Hellen, son of Deucalion and Pyrrha Dorians and Aeolians from Dorus and Aeolus Achaeans and Ionians from Achaeos and Ion Both were Hellen’s sons Both were sons of Hellen’s other son, Xuthus 亚该亚人 爱奥尼亚人 多里安人 伊奥利亚人 Heroes Classified Heroes Characteris


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