visualizing diffusion tensor imaging data with merging.ppt

visualizing diffusion tensor imaging data with merging.ppt

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visualizing diffusion tensor imaging data with merging

Distance between integral curves s = The arc length of shorter curve s0, s1 = starting & end points of s dist(s) = shortest distance from location s on the shorter curve to the longer curve. Tt ensures two trajectories labeled different if they differ significantly over any portion of the arc length. * An ellipsoid fx is constructed for each tensor on each curve. Define a blobby object with respect to the ellipsoid; * Define a scalar influence field which is given as the sum at a give point x of weighted influence functions Ii(x) generated by a set of blobby objects: where ωi denotes the strength of the ith influence function. 4) Compute a global surface representation of the entire diffusion field by extracting the isosurfaces interactively. Depicts shape and orientation of individual diffusion tensors locally but illustrates connectivity in a smooth, visually plausible fashion. * Merge together in anisotropic regions; separate in isotropic regions. * Optimal truncation radius: Dt = distance threshold between curves; Dl is the maximal distance between two consecutive tensors for all curves * Figure 5: The merging ellipsoids method was applied to the DTI data of a normal subject. (a) The red box indicates the horizontal view of the region-of-interest on the fractional anisotropy map of the brain. (b) The merging ellipsoids capture the connectivity information as well as the tensor details. (c) Sagittal view of the merging ellipsoids. (d) Coronal view of the merging ellipsoids. * Figure 6: Comparison of the integral curves method, the simple ellipsoids glyph method, and the merging ellipsoids method in a corpus callosum region of the brain. (a) The red box indicates the horizontal view of the region-of-interest in the brain. The dimension of the region is 17mm17mm17mm. (b) The integral curves show the connectivity information but lack the tensor details. These curves also accumulate integration error. (c) Ellipsoid glyphs placed on the integral curves reveal more d


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