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☆全国重点大学 毕 业 论 文 题目: 高层住宅建筑结构的趋势 ---半剪力墙-核心筒结构 指导老师:罗达新 班级: 应用技术学院建筑08-2 姓名: 刘礼萌 摘要 高层建筑的发展是人类生存的需要,是社会的进步,也是一个国家的施工水平的体现。近年来,随着房地产行业的持续走热,城市化的进程逐渐加快,城市土地的价格不断上涨,土地的使用率以及容积率的问题成为了房地产投资商的又一重大课题,投资建筑高层住宅成为了一种新的时尚。 随着高层住宅的发展,高层住宅的结构成为了建筑领域的新的课题,建筑开发商更加关注的是怎样来用最小的投资、更安全的结构方式得到更大的利润的效益,从而引出了一个课题是高层住宅结构的研究的问题。 建筑行业的我从自己的实习之中来研究这个问题,解决城市化的问题,解决高层住宅的安全、经济的问题。从而从一种特殊的结构之中得到了这个答案,半框架-核心筒结构。 关键词: 高层 高层住宅 高层结构 框架剪力墙结构 半框架-核心筒结构 Abstract The high-rise construction development is the human survival need, is society's progress, also is a national construction level manifesting.In recent years, continued the heat along with the real estate profession, the urbanized advancement speeds up gradually, the city land price rose unceasingly, the land utilization ratio as well as the volume fraction question became a real estate investor's important issue, the investment construction high-level housing has become one new fashion. Along with the high-level housing development, does the high-level housing structure become for the construction domain new task, how the construction developer even more pays attention is uses the smallest investment, the safer structure way to obtain the bigger profit benefit, thus has drawn out a topic is the high-level housing structure research question. Construction profession I study this question from own practice, the solution urbanization question, the solution high-level housing security, the economical question.Thus obtained this answer from one kind of special structure, half frame - core tube structure. Key word: High-level high-level housing half frame - core tube structure high-level structural framing shearing force wall structure 目录 0、 引言………………………………………………………………………….5 1、高层住宅………………………………………………………………………6 1.1 高层住宅的发展………………………………………………………. 6 1.1.1 高层住宅兴起的原因…………………………………………….. 6 1.1.2 发展高层的优势………………………


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