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1 假如信念是一丝微弱的光芒,我们会锲而不舍的捧着它,守护到黎明;假如事业是一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,我们会高高的擎起它,照亮整个世界…… If the belief is a ray of glimmer, we shall hold it in hand, and guard it till the dawn is coming; and if the cause is a blazing torch, we shall hold it up to light the world as a whole. 2 追求卓越 共谱华章 ----四川华工石油钢管有限责任公司 Striving for being outstanding Creating brilliant history with joint efforts —— Sichuan Huagong Petroleum Pipe Co., Ltd. (HGPPC) 3 雄鹰渴望蓝天翱翔,蛟龙渴望大海搏浪。在市场经济大潮中崛起的四川华工石油钢管有限责任公司,经过10多年的艰苦创业,从弱小走向强大,从强大走向辉煌。 The eagle is longing for soaring in the blue skies, while the flood dragon is yearning to brave the waves in the ocean. Emerging out of the huge tide of the market economy, and with ten-years’ arduous efforts, HGPPC has been developed from a small company into a big one which is now marching towards the more brilliant future. 4 四川华工石油钢管有限责任公司位于在素有“天府之国“美誉之称的成都平原上,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。公司是中国西南地区生产与销售石油专用管材的专业化企业之一,石油套管、油管、接箍、短节、特殊扣等石油管材年生产能力可达十八万吨。产品广泛用于石油、天然气开采、地矿、地下水井、盐业等领域,并畅销全国10多个省市区,并出口东南亚、欧州、北美、中东等国家和地区。 Located in Chengdu Plain honored as “A Land of Abundance”, and thus having geographic superiorities and transport facilities, Sichuan Huagong Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. or HGPPC as established in 1998, is one of the specialized companies engaged in manufacture and sales of specialty oil tubular products in Southwest China, having an annual capacity of 180000 tons of such products, including casing, tubing, coupling, pup joints and premium connections. HGPPC products are being widely used in such market places as oil and natural gas exploration, geological service and mining, underground water well drilling as well as salt industry. Moreover, HGPPC products are being well sold throughout the country, covering ten more provinces, and also exported to a number of countries and regions in Southwest Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. 5 四川华工始建于1998年,在创业之初就以高起点、规范化为目标,科学构建现代企业机制,推行内部管理系统化建设,脚踏实地谋划成长壮大之路。发展到今天,四川华工已经是一家拥有4条石油专用管材生产线,6大类产品的石油钢管综合型企业。 Set up in


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