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Essential Idioms in English A d v a n c e d CONTENTS LESSON 283 LESSON 295 LESSON 308 LESSON 3110 LESSON 3212 LESSON 3314 LESSON 3417 LESSON 3519 LESSON 3621 LESSON 3723 LESSON 3826 LESSON 3928 REVIEW-LESSON 28 TO 39 31 EASY ENGLISH 3 LESSON 28 to let up: to slacken, to lessen in intensity; to relax or ease one’s effort (also: related idiom: to take it easy), • If the rain doesn’t let up soon, we won’t be able to have our picnic. • When Jane is working, she never lets up for a moment. • Jane should take it easy or she’ll get exhausted. to lay off: to abstain from, stop using as a habit; to release or discharge from a job (also: related idiom: to let go) (S) • If you’re trying to lose weight, you should lay off sweet things. • If business continues to be slow, we will have to lay off some workers. • It will be necessary to let the youngest employees go first. to bring out: to show or introduce (to the public) (S); to make available (S) • Most automobile companies bring out new models each year. • My mother brought some snacks out for my friends and me to have. to bring back: to return a bought or borrowed item (also: to take back) (S) To bring back is used when you are speaking at the place that an item is bought or borrowed; to take back is used when speaking at another place. • Ma’am, our store policy is that you can bring back the dress as long as you have your sales receipt. • You can borrow my car if you promise to bring it back by six o’clock. • I have to take this book back to the library today. to wait up for: to wait until late at night without going to bed • Don’t wait up for me. I may be back after midnight. • We waited up for our son until two o’clock in the morning before we called the police


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