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学院毕业设计 合成氨驰放气氨回收工艺与设备设计 文献综述 学 生: 学 号: 专 业:化学工程与工艺 班 级:工艺2010.7 指导老师: 四川理工学院材料与化学工程学院 二〇一四年月氨是一种重要的化工产品,主要用于化学肥料的生产。: Abstract Ammonia is an important chemical products, mainly for the production of chemical fertilizers. In ammonia production, will produce Chi deflated containing NH3, H2, N2, CH4, Ar and other gases in the Chi deflated them. They are used with different ammonia processes, materials, and operating conditions change. In general, the product does a ton of ammonia discharged 180 ~ 240Nm3 of Chi deflated. In the past, these Chi deflated burned as fuel in recent years, with the large-scale ammonia plant, its utilization Chi gradually deflated attention. Recycling not only ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen and other industrial gases in the ammonia Chi deflated, but also can extract valuable rare gases argon, krypton, and helium. In addition to the general washing method using ammonia plant ammonia wash water used in soft water requires the use of deoxy later, after ammonia after washing Chi deflated contain traces of water and hydrogen, thus zeolite (silica) adsorption, ANCHI deflated ammonia content less than 0.1ppm, the moisture content below the dew point of -70 ℃. Packed column using water absorption synthetic ammonia release ammonia gas which is relatively mature technology. Keyword: Ammonia; Chi deflated; Absorption; Distillation 1 绪论 1.1关于合成氨驰放气国内外情况简介 目前,在合成氨生产工艺中,合成氨驰放气的组成一般为H2,N2,CH4,Ar,NH3等。过去人们常将排出的合成氨驰放气直接排空或直接引入到废气锅炉作为燃料烧掉,驰放气中的氨气排入大气或作为燃料直接烧掉,从而导致系统消耗增加,生产成本居高不下,不符合我国提倡循环经济,清洁生产的发展生产战略。按照我国目前的技术水平,没生产一吨合成氨将产生大约150~250Nm的驰放气。根据保守估计,目前我国合成氨的生产能力大约1.5亿吨/年,若将驰放气中的氨气提纯为纯度≥90%的氨气用于合成氨生产,每年可回收100亿Nm3的驰放气,前景很大。 1.2吸收塔简介 图1-1 填料塔结构图 目前,使用的气体吸收设备大致可分为塔器和其他设备。塔器类主要包括喷淋塔(俗称空塔)、填料塔、板式塔、湍球塔、鼓泡塔等,其他设备也很多,如列管式湿壁吸收器、文丘里喷射吸收器、喷洒式吸收器等。 吸收过程的宏观动力学特点是指在有化学反应的吸收中,吸收速率是由扩散控制还是动力学(化学反应)控制,还是两个因素共同控制。在有害气体治理中,处理的是一些低浓度气体,气量大,一般都是选择极快反应或快速反应,过程主要受扩散过程控制,因而选用气相为连续相、液相为分散相的形式较多,这种形式相界面大,气相湍动程度高,有利于吸收。喷淋塔、填料塔、湍球塔、文丘里吸收器等能满足这些要求。因


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