2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems task课件.pptVIP

2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems task课件.ppt

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2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems task课件.ppt

Stress among teenagers Finish Part A on page 57 one cause of stress: study Translations 1.像我一样年龄的许多学生不知道怎样处理这些问题. 2.一些父母要求他们的孩子放弃爱好. 3.我时常感到有压力,因为我的父母对我要求很严格. 4.运动能帮助我们放松,让我们更健康. 5.压力的一个主要原因是许多考试. * 9A Unit 3 Main Task 本节课教学目标: 1.完成调查问卷中的问题; 2.学会向他人提出建议; 3.就青少年的烦恼写一封信。 Family with kids Many students of your age have the same problems. 家有儿女 Do you feel stressed? How to relax? What are the causes of your stress? What are the solutions to your stress? How are you feeling in Grade 9? bad , busy, tired, worried, stressed… Stress is a serious problem among teenagers. share your problems with friends or family members keep your worries to yourselves blame(责怪) others listen to music read books or watch films to relax When you feel stressed, what should you do ? How to deal with them take more exercise listen to the teacher carefully talk about problems with teachers plan my time carefully How to get on well with(进展情况好)study not good at sport have problems in my study not finish my homework on time worry a lot about exams another cause of stress: parents too noisy at home have no time for me care only about marks talk with my parents let my parents see my progress try to understand them How to deal with them How to get on well with (相处融洽) parents another cause of stress: friends laugh at me have no close friends quarrel with my best friend pay no attention to these students forgive them for their mistakes be friendly to others How to deal with them How to get on well with classmates 1. Introduction 2. Main body 3. Conclusion (总结) Plan my time carefully A lot of homework Ho



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