2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems welcome to the unit课件.pptVIP

2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems welcome to the unit课件.ppt

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2014年译林版9A Unit3 Teenage problems welcome to the unit课件.ppt

Listening to Part B 1.What problem does Millie have? Sometimes she feels sleepy in class. 2. What does Millie's mum say about the problem? Millie should manage her time better and go to bed earlier. Make up a dialogue. A: Do you have any problems? B:Yes, I do.I... A:Oh, you... B:What should I do then? A:Perhaps... * 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 我受不了啦! 我累,我困,我烦… Answer the questions: 1.What are Millie and her mother talking about? 2.Does Millie have problems? 3.What is it? 4.What does her mother advise建议her to do? Part B on P35 本节课教学目标: 1.谈论青少年在学习、交友、家庭关系等方面所遇到的问题; 2.思考个人问题及解决问题的方法。 New words: 青少年的 adj. 发疯的 adj. 分数 n. 考试,测试 n. 或许,可能 adv. teenage mad mark exam=examination perhaps=maybe What problem do they have? Complete the sentences. disturb friends homework noise parents sleep Different problems on P35 I don’t get enough ______. I feel tired in class. I don’t have enough time to do my ________. The TV is always on at my home. The _______ almost drives me mad. sleep homework noise Different problems I don’t have any close _______ to talk to. Sometimes, I feel lonely. My cousin always makes a lot of noise and _______ me when I’m studying. My _______ work all day. They don’t have time for me. friends disturbs parents What is Eddie’s problem? What does Hobo advise建议 him to do? He is getting fat. He advises him to eat less food and try more exercise. Discussion: When you have problems, what should you do? We shouldn’t be afraid of them, we should face them and try to solve them. We can solve them by ourselves, or we can ask our family members/ teachers/ friends for help. Revision: 青少年问题 有足够的睡眠 有足够的时间做我的家庭作业 使我发疯 有可以交谈的亲密朋友 感觉孤独 有时间陪我 少吃多锻炼 考试得低分 更好地处理你的时间 课堂上犯困 早点睡 teenage problems have/ get enough sleep have enough time to do my homework drive me mad have close friends to talk to/ with feel lonely have time for me eat less and exercise more get low marks in exams manage your time better feel sleepy in class go


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