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16 4 Vo.l 16, No. 4 2007 8 JOURNAL OF NATURAL D ISASTERS Aug. 2007 : 1004- 4574( 2007) 04- 00 6-07 1 2 1 1 王春林 , 吴举开, 黄珍珠 , 李春梅 , 郭晶 ( 1. , 510080; 2. , 529522; . , 210044) : , (Palmer) , , ( 2) , (ID ), , , , ID , , ( IDC ) , , : ; ; ; : S42 : A Dynam ic daily drought-m onitoringm odel for Guangdong Province and its application 1 2 1 1 WANG Chun-lin , WU Ju-kai, HUANG Zhen-zhu , LIChun-mei, GUO Jing ( 1. Guangdong Clmi ate Center, Guangzhou 510080, China; 2. Y angjiangM eteorological Bureau, Yangjiang 529522, China; . Nanjing University of Inform ation Science and Technology, N anjing 210044, China) Abstract: Drought is essentially a phenom enon of continuousw ater deficit, drought severity degree is a function of the amount ofw ater deficit and the duration of the course. Using the concept of soi-lmoisture-balance suggested in Palmer-drought-model for reference, daily availablew ater content ( AWC) in upper and low er levels of soil is smi u- lated w ith dailymaxmi um temperature and rainfall data. Drought dynam ic index, I , defined by AWC of low er level D soil, w ith defin ite physicalmeaning and data acqu irability, is presented in the paper, by wh ich a drought course can be depict in detai,l and how a drought course occurs and develops can bemon itored and evaluated dynam ica-l ly. Based on the dynam ic change of I , the start o


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