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奥美拉唑合理性用药分析 摘要 目的 调查医院奥美拉唑(质子泵抑制剂)的合理性使用情况,为奥美拉唑临床合理应用提供参考。方法结果214份,合理病例183份(占31.94%),不合理病例31张(占5.41%),内科抽查病例359份,合理性病例为227份(占39.62%),不合理性病例是132张(占23.04%),外科用药合理性比内科强。结论 我院奥美拉唑的使用基本合理,但也存在不合理情况。建议临床医生应严格按照药品说明书用药;而药师应加强审方的谨慎性,发现问题并及时与医生沟通,促进临床用药的安全性。 关键词:奥美拉唑;用药情况;合理性分析 Analysis of the rationality of omeprazole Abstract Objective: 调查奥美拉唑(质子泵抑制剂)医院的使用情况,为临床合理应用提The investigation of omeprazole use of the hospital,to provide reference for clinical application. Methods: Using omeprazole sodium injection in medical records of the use of micro 7-12 in 2014, the Department of surgery in the hospital at random. The time of omeprazole is too long, the dosage is too large, the compatibility is taboo, and the repetition and indication are not clear. The statistical analysis of the five aspects is carried out. Results: The survey found that the hospital in the prescription of omeprazole, the qualified rate is 71.53%, the number of qualified prescription surgery is 183 (31.94%), the number of prescriptions in Department of internal medicine was 227 (39.62%). Conclusion: omeprazole in our hospital is basically reasonable,but there are also some unreasonable situation. Recommended that clinicians should be strictly in accordance with the medication drug instructions; prudence and pharmacists should strengthen the party, identify problems and timely communication with the doctor,to promote the safety of clinical medication. Key words: omeprazole;prescription analysis;he rationality of drug use 目 录 中文摘要 Ι Abstract II 引言 1 1 2 1.1 资料来源 2 1.2 数据分析法 2 1.3 奥美拉唑的用药指征 2 2结果与分析 2 2.1 奥美拉唑的基本使用情况 2 2.2 不同科室使用奥美拉唑合理性情况 3 2.3 奥美拉唑用药指征明确的情况 5 2.4 奥美拉唑出现不合理情况 6 3讨论 8 3.1 科室分布 8 3.2 用药指征 8 3.3 用药时间过长 8 3.4 用药剂量过大 9 3.5 配伍禁忌 9 3.6 重复用药 9 3.7 指征不明确 10 4 结论 10 参考文献 综述 12 致谢 19 引言 [12]最先进的一类药物,它通过高效快速抑制胃酸分泌和清除幽门螺旋杆菌[14]而达到快速治愈溃疡的目的。 奥美拉唑是质子泵抑制剂代表性药物,临床上主要用于十二指肠溃疡和卓-艾综合征,也可用于胃溃疡和反流性食管炎;静脉注射可用于消化性溃疡急性出血的治疗[11]。与阿莫西林和克林霉素或与甲硝唑与克拉霉素合用,以杀灭幽门螺杆菌。是一种脂溶性弱碱性药物[9]易浓集于酸性环境中,特异性地作用于胃黏膜壁细胞顶端膜构成的分泌性



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