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摘  要 随着中国经济的快速增长以及中国WTO组织的进入,进入中国的公司在迅速的增长,进出国内的汽车的数目迅猛的增长,使得必须建立这样有效的车辆管理系统,公司车辆在外出的过程中,需要对外出车辆严格控制,以确保在行驶过程中不出意外。要求外出过程中不可无故私自调换驾驶人员,定点时间内到达目的地,行驶了多少里程,车辆不可乱来公车私用等等。同时为了便于公司对外出车辆的管理,这样由出车记录系统中得到的具体的监控参数,更好的对车辆管理做出调整。 高架车库调度系统是车辆查看,车辆信息管理,用户信息管理,单位信息管理与一体的多功能系统。而原本的汽车调度管理人工登记是一个十分复杂的过程,在以前全部的登记表都是个人手工填写完成的,手续十分繁琐。所以有必要利用现代化的工具使其变的简单、耐用。为加强企事业单位车辆调度管理,提高车辆的利用效率、完善工作流程、节约成本,全面实现车队中车辆调度自动化,给企事业提供了一个科学、规范、系统的车辆调度管理手段,改善以往人工运行维护管理过程中繁琐的工作流程。实现车辆调度与管理决策的科学化和自动化,改善营运状况,提高生产效率和效。 关键词:汽车调度管理系统  管理系统  B/S架构 ABSTRACT With China's rapid economic growth and the organization China's WTO entry, the company entered China in the rapidly growing number of cars out of the country's rapid growth made it necessary to establish such an effective vehicle management system, company cars in the process of going out the need for strict control of the vehicle to go out to ensure no accidents during driving. the process is not required to go out secretly swap drivers for no reason, to reach the destination within the designated time, the number of road mileage, and other vehicles can not be arbitrary to Gongjusiyong etc. At the same vehicle in order to facilitate the management of the company to go out, so by the record out of the bus system to get the specific monitoring parameters, better management of vehicles and make adjustments. scheduling management system is a car sent a car registration, driver's information management , motor vehicle information management, information management and mileage of a multifunctional system, while the original vehicle scheduling management manual registration is a very complex process, in the past are all of the registration form filled out by hand to complete individual, the procedure is cumbersome, so necessary to use modern tools to make a simple change; durable. To strengthen enterprise or business the unit vehicle dispatching management, improve the efficiency in the use of vehicles, perfecting the work flow, the cost savings, achieve the fleet veh


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