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摘要 台灯的主要目的是方便开关灯方便人们使用、防止近视和矫正坐姿。?它的灵感来自于生活中一些有碍健康的坏习惯,例如:电灯开关离你比较远时就懒的关灯和看书时趴在桌上。这些小习惯在我们不知不觉的时候就养成了,照成了现在许多人近视、脊柱弯曲,另外许多人不爱随手关灯,造成能源的浪费。所以,这款台灯,?一方面可以更节省电能,有利于环保,;另一方面可以纠正使用者的坐姿,预防脊椎变形和近视。设计的主要内容:运用SolidWorks三维软件对台灯的主要部件进行3D建模,主要对台灯分的灯罩、底座、支架和支架连接处(包括拐角)四大部分组成进行三维造型。本次台灯部件的建模通过实际测量得到准确尺寸,运用插入设计特征,绘制草图和拉伸完成,其中的拉伸操作的灵活运用是3D建模个关键,装配,主要对所有零件进行装配,运用了装配约束,移动等技巧得到台灯外形效果并进行调整修饰,同时得到爆炸图和机械图。 关键词:SolidWorks Abstract The main purpose of the lamp is convenient open to turn off the lights, people are using to prevent short sight and correct posture.Its inspiration from the life of some bad habits are unhealthy, for example: when the light switch is far from you, lazy to turn off the lights and reading a book on the table.These little habits when we unconsciously has developed, as are myopic, scoliosis, many people now many other people do not love the door, a waste of energy.So, this lamp, on the one hand can save electric energy, more environmentally friendly,;On the other hand, users can correct posture, prevent spinal deformity and myopia.The main content of the design: using 3 d software UG NX 8.5 to 3 d modeling of a major part of the lamp, mainly for desk lamp chimney, base, stents and joint center four major part (including the corner) for three-dimensional modelling.This desk lamp components modeling accurate size is obtained by actual measurement, using the insert design features, drafting and drawing is complete, the drawing operation is flexible use of 3 d modeling key, assembly, mainly for all the parts are assembled, using the assembly constraints, such as mobile techniques to adjust the lamp shape effect and modification, at the same time get explosion diagram and the mechanical drawing. Keywords: Lamp, Convenience, SolidWorks 目录 第1章 引言 1 第2章 台灯的构思设计 2 第3章 灯管的制作步骤. 3 3.1灯管的制作步骤及说明 3 3.2新建文件 3 3.3 创建灯管的扫描轨迹 3 3.4 扫描以得到灯管 3 第4章灯柄的制作 5 4.1灯柄的制作步骤及说明 5 4.2草绘 5 4.3螺旋线扫描 5 4.4拉伸灯头、灯头穿孔 7 第5章 笔筒的制作 8 5.1笔筒的制作步骤及说明 8


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