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本科毕业论文(设计) 论 文 题 目 汽车消音器冲压工艺与冲压模设计 姓名(学号) 系 别 机械与电子工程系 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 导 师 姓 名 汽车消音器冲压工艺与冲压模设计 [摘要] 我本次设计的是汽车消音器的落料拉深复合模。我首先对零件进行了工艺性分析,然后选复合模作为该副模具的工艺生产方案,经过计算分析完成该模具的主要设计计算,凸、凹模工作部分的设计计算,还有主要零部件的结构设计。 进行冲压设计就是根据已有的生产条件,综合考虑影响生产过程顺利进行的各方面因素,合理安排零件的生产工序,最优地选用,确定各工艺参数的大小和变化范围,设计模具,选用设备等,以使零件的整个生产过程达到优质,高产,低耗,安全的目的。 本模具是一个汽车消音器的落料拉深复合模,由于本工件的精度要求不是很高,所以采用普通冲裁模就可能达到要求,本零件不难加工,但所要的工序较多,由于时间有限,在这里只画第一道工序的图。 [关键词] 模具 落料 拉深 Design of lifts blanking drawing compound die [Abstract]I designed this is the case lifts blanking drawing compound die. First of all, I was analysis the part of the process , and then elected as the Vice the Compound Die of production programme , after completion of the analysis of the mold design, convex and concave die part of the design work, there are major parts of the Structural design. Is designed to ram the basis of the production conditions, the impact of the production process considered the smooth progress of various factors, reasonable arrangements for parts of the production process, the optimal choice, determine the parameters of the size and scope of change, mold design, optional equipment And so on, so that parts of the whole production process to achieve high quality, high yield, low consumption and security. This molding tool is an accuracy that a ascend and descend the machine outer shell wash to blanking and deep drawing compound die, because of a request not is very high , So the adoption commonness wash to cut the mold and then may attain the request, this spare parts is not difficult to process, but a work for wanting preface is more, because of time is Limited, here only draw a diagram of the work preface. [Key Word] Mold Blanking Deep drawing 目 录 摘 要 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2 前 言 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3 1 工件的工艺性分析 ……………………………………………………………………… 4 1.1 工艺分析 ……………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.2 确定工艺方案 …………………………………………………………………………


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