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中文摘要 本次设计主要是设计综合商场,建设地点在浙江某地,建筑总面积为13500平方米左右,地上五层,建筑高度21.9米,其中底层层高4.5米,其余层高4.2米,室内 外高差0.3米,该商场组成部分:a营业部分 b住房 c铺助部分,该结构类型是钢筋混凝土框架结构,抗震设防烈度为b度,设计地震分组为第一组,设计地震基本加速度为0.05g,建筑场地类别为:二类耐火等级等防火要求按GB50016-2006确定耐火等级宜用二级,建筑结构安全等级为二级 一.建筑设计 建筑设计从建筑的使用功能要求进行构思组织,科学合理地设计其内部空间和外部景观。在使用功能布局上,把商场放在北面,这有利于采光通风,且考虑到人性化设计理念,同时强调了功能主义,在外部景观上,设计了一个小型的中心广场,有喷泉,绿化地等景观设施,丰富了建筑的周围环境。该建筑在设计整体上均体现了简洁、新颖、流畅的风格。本设计的建筑设计部分完成四个建筑平面图,三个立面图和一个剖面图及详图,见后面的图纸集。 二.结构设计 结构部分设计完成了结构造型及各结构层的结构平面布置图,现浇板的计算及绘制施工图,多跨连续梁和一品框架的内力计算分析等,并根据计算绘制出梁,板和框架的施工图,最后进行基础,楼梯等结构构件的计算和绘图,通过本次设计达到了提高综合运用所学知识进行分析问题和解决实际工程问题的能力。 关键词:商场,建筑,框架结构,施工图 Abstract Building brick sand stone is color mottled. due to different functions. make it become the place to live and work in peace. the carrier of economy and culture, the historical witness and the natural environment; it makes the city com., showing the excellent grace and modem urban-style. "A good building has three conditions; convenient, firmness and delight." Architectural theory since a British humanist - Henry. The word Sir Walton "architectural elements” as the starting point. Architecture is the focus of confluent three separate objective. Building scientific standard s - strong. Building strong requirements “ “. The need to make it with science, the relationship with the scientific standard. Mechanical structure with strictly limited its growth. Thrust and balance, pressure and support. are located in the architectural language used for root. Marble. tile, wood, the inherent characteristics of iron produced its form, limiting its achievements, and to some extent even dominated the adornment detail it. At each side of the study of architecture, people have to meet the physics, statics. Dynamics, the proposed design, control and verify the design. So, we can freely search logic performance of material properties and material law in construction. Without these.. Without these, the building will become impossible. its history has become incomprehensible. Building practi


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