企业图书资料管理系统的设计与实现 毕业设计.doc

企业图书资料管理系统的设计与实现 毕业设计.doc

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企业图书资料管理系统的设计与实现 摘要:企业图书资料管理是企业数据管理(EDM )的核心之一,也是企业实施信息化建设的一个重要组成部分。为了实现企业图书资料的信息化管理,本文提出开发一套基于B/S模式的企业图书资料管理信息系统。与传统手工管理方式相比,该系统除了具有传统的借阅管理功能外,还具有联网查询、预定图书、摘要查看等功能,进一步提高了企业图书资料的利用率,实现了企业员工高效、迅速地借阅图书资料。 本文采用结构化开发方法进行企业图书资料管理信息系统的开发,将开发过程划分为需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、实施及测试几个阶段。在具体实施过程中,本文选用了Eclipse作为前台开发工具,后台数据库选用了Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000。在测试阶段,主要进行了功能测试和性能测试。 通过分析测试结果,本文提出的企业图书资料管理信息系统具有信息查询、预定管理、日志管理、搜索功能等,并且能够在一定程度上解决长期采用手工操作方式管理数据的不规范性和时效性差等问题。在测试过程中,系统也反映出一些问题,例如不能自动生成摘要,要靠图书管理员手动进行输入。系统还不够健壮,在设计思路上考虑的还不够全面,本文将在今后的工作中继续完善该系统,使得该系统能真正投入实际应用中。 关键词:图书资料管理;信息查询;搜索 Design and Realization of an Enterprise Books and Materials Management System Abstract :The enterprise books and materials management is the enterprise data management (EDM) .It is also an important constituent in the construction of enterprise. In order to realize the enterprise books and reference materials information management, this paper develops enterprise books and reference materials management information system based on the B/S pattern. Compares with the traditional manual management way, this system besides has the tradition to borrow the management function, but also books, abstract examination function and so on has the networking inquiry, prearranges, further raised the enterprise books and reference materials use factor, realized the enterprise staff to be highly effective, rapidly to borrow the books and reference materials. This article uses the structure method of exploitation to carry on the enterprise books and reference materials management information system the development, the performance history will divide into the demand analysis, the system design, the detailed design, implements and tests several stages. In the concrete implementation process, this article selected Eclipse had taken the onstage development kit, and the back-stage database has selected Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000. In the test stage, has mainly carried on the function test and the performance test. The result shows that t


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