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佳木斯大学 课程设计说明书 题目:轻型越野汽车离合器的设计 学生姓名 张金磊 学 号 120999406 专业年级 车辆 指导教师 姜丽炜 所属学院 机械工程学院 二〇一五年十二月七日 摘 要 离合器是汽车机械传动系统中不可或缺的一个部件,离合器的质量直接关 系着车辆的动力性、平顺性、经济性等多方面的设计要求。10T载货汽车在汽车 行业中应用广泛,设计出结构简单、工作可靠、造价低廉的离合器,能大大降低 整车生产的总成本,推动汽车经济的发展。膜片弹簧离合器是近年来在轿车和轻 型汽车上广泛采用的一种离合器,它的转矩容量大而且较稳定,操作轻便,平衡 性好。本文主要是对载重10吨轻型汽车的拉式膜片弹簧离合器进行设计。根据车辆使用条件和车辆参数,按照离合器系统的设计步骤和要求。 设计主要内容为:离合器结构方案选择,确定车型及其基本参数;离合器摩 擦片基本参数确定以及材料的选择;从动盘毂、从动片、传力片结构参数设计计 算以及材料的选择;扭转减震器的参数计算,减震弹簧的设计以及确定扭转减震 器的材料;离合器盖、压盘尺寸参数设计计算及其材料的选取;分离轴承总成的 设计、计算;离合器膜片弹簧的参数设计计算,材料及制造工艺的选择,强度校 核。 关键词:离合器 ;膜片弹簧 ;从动盘 ;压盘 ;摩擦片 ABSTRACT The clutch is an essential vehicle of a mechanical transmission components,clutch is directly related to the quality of vehicle dynamics, ride comfort, economy and other aspects of the design requirements. 2T truck is widely used in the automotive industry, design a simple, reliable and low cost of the clutch, can greatly reduce the total cost of vehicle production, and promote economic development vehicle. Diaphragm spring clutch in car and light in recent years, widely used as avehicle clutch, the torque capacity of its large and relatively stable, easy operation, good balance. This paper is a 2T truck pull light vehicle type diaphragm spring clutch design. According to traffic conditions and vehicle parameters, in accordance with the clutch system design steps and requirements. Design mainly as follows:The clutch structure of the program options, determine the model and its basic parameters; Determine the basic parameters of the clutch friction plate, and the choice of materials;Driven plate hub, the driven film, transfer chip design and calculation of structural parameters and material selection;Reversing the shock absorber of the parameter calculation, damping spring to determinetorsional damper design and material;Clutch cover, pressure plate design and calculation of dimensions and material selection;The release bearing assembly design,calculation;The parameters of the clutch diaphragm spring desig


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