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多功能呼叫机设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 自动化 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 多功能呼叫机设计与实现 摘 要 为使医院、茶楼、小区等公共服务场所工作效率的提高和资源的合理配置,多功能呼叫机系统渐渐走入很多公共服务场所。医院多功能呼叫机就是一个很好的例子,它改变了传统高声急促呐喊式的呼叫,使得呼叫变得简单、快捷。 本设计以医院多功能呼叫机作为设计蓝本,运用单片机专业知识,设计了模拟医院呼叫的医院多功能呼叫机。该设计的主分机均以52单片机为核心,采用NRF24L01无线模块收发数据,NS73作为语音发射核心、RAD5807作为语音接收芯片、DS1302作为时钟源、AT24C02存储呼叫记录、LCD12864显示呼叫状态等信息。软件部分,使用Keil C51语言编制了相应的分析、控制软件程序。 通过电子元件选型、硬件绘制、程序编写,软硬件联调,大部分完成了呼叫机系统。系统具有语音和按键呼叫、语音和按键回复、显示呼叫和存储查询呼叫历史等功能,满足医院进行病员监护的需要。经过测试表明,本系统可靠性教高,功耗低,使用便捷,实用价值极强。 关键词:呼叫机;52单片机;NRF24L01;NS73;双工通信 Design and Implementation of Multi-functional Machine Call Abstract To enable hospitals, restaurants, residential and other public service establishments rational allocation of work efficiency and resources, multi- call systems gradually into many public service establishments. Call the hospital multifunction machine is a good example, it has changed the traditional style of the call loud cry shortness makes the call becomes simple and fast. The design calls hospital multifunction machine as a design blueprint, the use of single-chip expertise to design analog multifunction call the hospital to call the hospital machine. The designs are the main extension 52 microcontroller core, using NRF24L01 wireless data transceiver module, NS73 as a voice transmitter core, RAD5807 as a voice receiver chip, DS1302 as the clock source, AT24C02 store call records, LCD12864 display call status and other information. Software section, use the Keil C51 language preparation of the corresponding analysis, control software program. Selection, hardware rendering electronic components, programming, hardware and software FBI, most complete local calls. And key system with voice calls, voice and touch response, call display and call history stored queries and other functions to meet the hospital 's patient care needs. After tests showed that this system teach high reliability, low power consumption, easy to use, practical value highly. Key words: call machines


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