智能照明节能控制系统硬件设计 毕业论文.doc

智能照明节能控制系统硬件设计 毕业论文.doc

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毕业设计(论文) ( 2012 届) 题 目: 智能照明节能控制系统硬件设计 摘 要 本设计是在对大楼内部照明部件的硬件设计,使大楼对其内部特定区域进行特殊控制,实现其的智能化,同时在设计过程中还要考虑其的节能环保功能,这个也符合当下的绿色这个主题,对节约能源提供一个新途径。 智能照明已经正式列入国家计划,终端节能优先的观念已经深入人心;智能照明控制是节约能耗及提高物业管理水平、体现现代化生活方式与优化工作环境的有效手段。智能照明使得照明方案具备高度的灵活性,系统投入使用后,会带来高质量的照明环境,提高整个建筑物的智能化管理水平,也可以便捷地调整照明系统,既满足美观、实用的要求,同时又达到了绿色节能环保的目标,显示出巨大的发展潜力。因此,智能照明会有更广阔的应用前景。 关键字:智能 照明 环保 直接数字控制 Abstract The design is in the hardware design of the building interior lighting components, building its internal specific area of special control, to achieve its intelligent at the same time its energy-saving environmental features should also be considered in the design process, this also in line with the current green this topic,?provide a?new way to?save energy.?Intelligent lighting?has?been officially included in national plans, priority terminal energy-saving concept has gained; Intelligent? lighting control is an effective means to reduce energy consumption and raise the level of property management, reflects the modern life style and optimize the work environment. Intelligent lighting makes lighting solutions with a high degree of flexibility, will bring high-quality lighting system put into use, the environment improve the level of intelligent management of the entire building, you can also easily adjust the lighting system, both to meet the beautiful and practical requirements while to achieve the goal of green energy saving and environmental protection, showing great potential for development. Therefore, intelligent lighting will have broad application prospects. Keywords: intelligent lighting? environmental direct digital control 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的目的与意义 1 1.2 智能大厦照明监控系统的定义及发展趋势 1 1.3 毕业设计内容 2 第2章 智能大厦照明系统的设计 3 2.1 照明的基本知识 3 2.1.1 照明系统的概念 3 2.1.2 照度标准 3 2.1.3 光源与灯具 4 2.1.4 照明灯具及其特性 6 2.2 室内照明设计 11 2.2.1 室内灯具的布置 11 2.2.2 室内照度计算 13 2.2.3 眩光计算 17 2.2.4 办公室照明设计 17 2.3 照明电气设计 20 2.3.1 概述 21 2.3.2 照明供配电系统 21 2.3.3 照明设计施工图 21 第3章 照明系统的智能控制设计 23 3.1 照明智能控制概述 23 3.1.1 模块特点 24 3.1.2 功能特性 25 3.1.3 结构特


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