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LEADERSHIP LESSON 领导艺术课程 Decision Making 做出的决定 When you run into a situation where action is required and there’s nobody to tell you what to do, or it’s not covered by a company policy, rule, or established procedure, you have to make a decision. You cannot count on your Associates or other Coaches. It’s up to you. 当你陷入这样的一种境况:必须采取行动但却没有人能告诉你该做什么,或者公司的政策,规定中没有涉及,或者没有现成的程序可参考,你不得不做出决定。你无法依靠你的员工或其它教练,一切由你决定。 The goal in decision making is to make the best possible decision with the time and resources available. Your ability to make good, sound decisions can help you to achieve your professional goals, as well as the Company’s goals. A poor decision can be very costly to both parties. Often, after weighing the options, a decision is reached easily. More frequently though, you will be forced to make tough decisions with very little information or in a short period of time. Making the best decisions, consistently, is a key to success. Realize that your decisions will not always be 100% right, but they should be the best possible decision, based on the time and information provided. 做出的决定的目标是在治定的时间和资源下做出尽可能最好的决定。你做出出色的,合理的决定的能力可以帮助你达到你的职业目标,以及公司的目标。一个较差的决定对以上两者来说都是代价巨大的。通常情况下,在衡量了各种选择后,很容易做出一个决定。但更多的时候是,你被迫在很少信息或很短时间民政部下坚决地做出决定。做出正确的决定,是通向成功的可靠之路。认识到你的决定不可能总是100%正确,但他们必须是在给定的时间和信息条件下尽可能好的决定。 What keeps Managers from making good decisions? 什么阻碍着管理者做出正确的决定? They are not organized enough to make a good decision 他们没有足够的条理性以做出好的决定 Effective time management and information organization assists in making good decisions. 有效的时间管理和信息组织有助于做出正确决定 Stop what you are doing. 停止你正在做的 Listen and ask questions to clarify the issues. 聆听并提出问题以明确情况 They do not know the correct answer 他们不知道正确的答案 Managers do not know everything. If you don’t know the answer to the problem: 管理者并不知道所有事,如果你有不得其解的问题 Gather information from other Managers or Associates 收集来自其他管理者或员工处的信息 Evaluate the information 评估这些信息 Make a good decision 做出正确的决定 They are afraid of making the wrong decision 他们害怕做出错误决定 Som


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