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本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:包头原料条件下3200m3高炉本体设计及渣铁处理系统的设计 包头原料条件下300m3高炉本体及渣铁处理系统设计 摘 要 关键词: The Design of 3200 m3 Blast Furnace Ontology and The Slag and Iron Processing System Under the Raw Material Conditions in Baotou Abstract The blast furnace body and the slag and iron processing system design is an important part of the iron-smelting plant design. Not only can design a good workshop so that the blast furnace production to achieve high yield, long service life of the iron-smelting equipment, can also reduce energy consumption, cost savings, so as to achieve the goal of economic environmental protection, the design, from the design of blast furnace refractories. the design of cooling equipment and handling of slag and iron were borrowed from domestic and foreign advanced blast furnace. The design uses the hearth and bottom of the ceramic cup, copper stave heat load cooling equipment. The blast furnace cooling method using soft water closed loop cooling. Outlet platform casthouse rectangular double casthouse, four iron port balance arrangement, slag and iron ditch is reasonably arranged, and molten iron to swing stream mouth, a flat field of iron blast furnace equipment selection high degree of mechanization, the choice of the dust removal facilities to improve iron field operating environment. Key words: blast furnace;design;refractory;cooling equipment;slag and iron 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 1.1高炉冶炼概况及发展 1 1.1.1高炉生产主要经济指标技术 1 1.1.2炉容大型化及其空间尺寸的发展 2 1.1.3炉料向精料发展 2 1.1.4提高鼓风温度 2 1.1.5提高炉顶压力 3 1.1.6富氧大喷吹 3 1.1.7电子计算机的应用 3 1.2高炉本体 3 1.2.1高炉炉型发展 3 1.2.2五段式高炉炉型及炉型尺寸 3 1.3高炉炉衬 5 1.3.1对高炉耐火材料性能要求 6 1.3.2各种耐火材料的发展 7 1.4高炉冷却 8 1.4.1高炉冷却目的 8 1.4.2冷却介质选择及处理 8 1.4.3合理的冷却结构 10 1.4.4高炉冷却壁的应用现状及其发展 10 1.5高炉基础 11 1.6 渣铁处理系统的设计 11 1.6.1炉前操作平台 11 1.6.2炉前设备 14 1.7铁水处理 15 1.7.1铁水罐车 16 1.7.2铸铁机 17 1.8炉渣处理 17 1.8.1图拉法水淬渣 17 1.9高炉本体和出铁场设计方案 18 第二章 炼铁工艺计算 19 2.1 高炉物料平衡计算 19 2.1.1 原料条件及平衡计算[22] 19 2.1.2 物料平衡计算 24 2.2 高炉热平衡计算 28 2.2.1 全炉热平衡 28 2.2.2 高温区热平衡 33 2.3炼铁焦比的计算 35 3.1 炉缸设计 37 3.1.



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