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* * 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. a brief description about the surroundings and people in Shangri-la. 美文研读 [复记强化] description 2. region 3. survivor 4. fantastic 5. peaceful 6. mysterious 7. harmonious 8. religious 9. scholar 10. investigate 11. legendary 12. scenery 13. be surrounded by 14. give up 15. have similarity with 16. set up 一、阅读填空 ① written ② chance/accident ③ fell ④ to ⑤ harmoniously ⑥ folks ⑦ surrounded ⑧ scenery ⑨ coming ⑩ similarity 知识运用 二、句子翻译 1. is located/situated in; is surrounded by 2. up to more than; peacefully; harmoniously 3. the most successful 4. striking similarities with; described about 5. With…coming out; became famous 6. Traveling can not only broaden our minds but also make us strong. 7. We plan to make a trip to Africa to explore the Sahara Desert and learn something about the living things there. 8. The fantastic scenery of the Huangshang Mountains has impressed the visitors from home and abroad deeply. 考点集训 1. C结合that所在句的句意及上下文意义的衔接,可知that是回指lip-reading。 2. B因“That is why…”中that是回指前面一句的内容,故选B。 3. D本题要求考生弄清it是回指文中的什么内容,从上文中“a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. ”可知,it指的是the wind,所以答案是D。 实战演练 4. A解答本题的关键是理解此段最后一句中的代词it到底是指什么。结合上文可知,它就是回指的是前文中的“hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat”,人们的这些行为概括地说,就是offer their help,故正确选项是A。 5. C解答此题的关键是理解“One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals were just opposite”中的代词this到底是指什么。根据行文逻辑,可知this是回指“(between the cat and dog) fighting”,即“猫狗打架”的一个原因是它们的“肢体讯号是相反的”,讯号相反就容易误解,当双方误解了对方的肢体讯号时就会打架。故正确选项是C。 篇章训练 此文是一篇科普文。作者介绍了华北近期出现的严重的烟雾现象和对人们生活带来的各种影响,并认为是时候采取行动处理这个环境问题。 1. C细节理解题。A、B、D项在文章第一段都提到了,只有C项未提及。 2. A推理判断题。从文章整个第四段可推断出,烟雾或雾霾之所以成为一个大家普遍关注的问题,主要是因为谁都无法逃避它。 3. B细节理解题。根据第五段的Why do we want to develop? It’s for living a better life. Dirty air is definitely not a better life和第六



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