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论文题目:基于单片机的温度测控系统的硬件设计 专 业: 自动化 本 科 生:** (签名)________ 指导老师:** (签名)________ 摘 要 在当今社会中,温度的测量与控制是一个与人们的生活生产紧密联系的课题,而单片机以其独特的优点,在电子产品当中有着很广泛的应用,所以把单片机与温度的测量与控制结合起来,能够给人们精确测量控制温度带来很大的便捷,让人们的生活更加舒适,而且能够给生产部门对器件的精确制造提供很大的帮助。 本设计是基于单片机的温度测控系统的硬件设计。该系统由单片机、液晶显示屏、温度传感器、电热管、小风扇等模块构成。主要的工作原理是通过单片机将温度传感器采集到的温度信号经过计算,得到的结果通过处理、比较从而来控制电热管和小风扇的工作状态,使得环境温度控制在设定温度的一定范围内。 通过硬件电路和软件的调试表明,该系统能够达到设计目标,首先能够把温度在显示屏上实时显示出来,而且能够准确的控制加热与散热部件的工作状态,从而把温度控制在设定温度上下0.3度的范围内。 关键字: 单片机,温度测控系统 Subject : Temperature control system hardware design based on Micro controller Specialty: Automation Name : ** (signature)_____ Instructor: ** (signature)_____ ABSTRACT In today's society, the measurement and control of temperature is the subject of a production and is very close to people's life, while the micro controller with its unique advantages, the electronic products which have a very wide range of applications, so the micro controller and temperature measurement and control of combined it can accurately measure the temperature control to the people a great deal of convenience, so that people's lives more comfortable, but also to the production department for precision manufacturing devices provide great help. This design is a temperature control system hardware design based on micro controller . The system consists of micro controller, LCD display, temperature sensor, heating pipes, fans and other small modules. The main result of works by the micro controller temperature sensor to the temperature signal has been calculated, obtained by processing, comparison and thus to control the heating pipes and a small fan operating status, making the ambient temperature is controlled within a certain range of temperature settings. Through hardware and software debugging showed that the system can achieve the design goal, first the temperature can be displayed in real time on the screen, and can accurately control the working status of heating and cooling comp


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