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基于全球价值链视角下广西第二产业国际竞争力路径研究 摘要 第二次世界大战后,第二产业的地位普遍上升,一般占就业人口和国内生产总值的30%以上,对国家的经济命脉有着至关重要的作用,因此,在广西北部湾建设进入快速发展期、中国——东盟经贸合作显著的背景下,建设的广西第二产业的竞争力是广西经济持续发展、促进广西对外开放、提升广西在东盟国家的政治经济地位的重要战略方针和政策研究价值链的演变与趋势,找准广西第二产业国际竞争力提升的关键路径,并完善实现途径,将比较优势转化为竞争优势,探索提升广西第二产业国际竞争力的路径,从而实现广西与东盟各国国际竞争力提升,形成共同繁荣的良性机制和措施。Path of the international competitiveness of the industry under the second based on Global Value Chains Abstract After World War II, the status of a general increase in the secondary industry, accounting for more than 30% of the general working population and GDP, the economic lifeline of the country has a vital role, therefore, in the Beibu Gulf into the rapid construction development period, China - ASEAN trade and economic cooperation with remarkable background, based on the competitiveness of the construction industry in Guangxi second global value Chain is sustained economic development in Guangxi, Guangxi opening promote and enhance political and economic position in Guangxi ASEAN countries important strategic guidelines and policies. This paper studies the evolution and trends in the global value chain, identify the key mechanisms of Guangxi second industrial international competitiveness, the paths and patterns, and improve the ways to achieve the comparative advantage into competitive advantage, and explore to enhance the international competitiveness of the secondary industry in Guangxi path of force, in order to achieve Guangxi and ASEAN countries to enhance international competitiveness, forming a virtuous mechanisms and measures common prosperity. Keywords:Global value chain, The second industry, The international competitiveness, path 目录 一、前言 1 二、文献综述 1 三、基于全球价值链的第二产业国家竞争力评价体系构建 3 四、基于全球价值链的广西第二产业国际竞争力评价 3 (一)研发环节 3 1.研发投入 3 2.工业品牌竞争力 4 (二)生产环节 5 1.产业规模 5 2.企业规模 5 3.进出口产品结构 7 (三)销售环节 8 1.市场占有率 8 2.RCA指数 9 (四)售后服务环节 9 1.上下游支持产业 9 2.人力资本 10 五、基于价值链提升模式的竞争力增强策略选择与对策 11 (一)途径一:向全球价值链上游提升 11 1.积极促进产业集群,培育第二产业“硅谷”推动技术创新 12 2.加快兼并重组与强强联合,鼓励技术的联合研发 12 3.鼓励自主创新建设,提高自主品牌研发能力


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