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基于89C52单片机无线火灾检测与报警系统 摘 要:随着社会科学技术以及工业技术的革新和发展,单片机日益成为了工业工控、人工智能、设备终端等场所用来控制的芯片。在21世纪,工业智能自动化的背景下,智能自动显然成为了人们节省劳动力、足不出户便能知晓天下事。然而在在大中小城市,房地产建筑开发商如雨后春笋,面临的是高层建筑住宅区。火灾报警系统起到了提前侦测、预知,从而有效减少乃至杜绝隐患安全成为了当前高层住宅的居民们所关切的问题。 本次设计作品,火灾检测报警系统,利用高度集成的单片机作为主控制芯片进行实时监控。火灾检测是利用检测芯片,利用单片机来控制系统,具有较好的稳定性和检测快速性,52单片机通过外拓8位A/D转化芯片。利用传感器检测温度、空气中的碳离子浓度,同时由于本次设计模拟的是高层建筑,仅仅只有报警功能也是远远不够,模拟窗户自动开启,由于现代建筑的窗户都是以玻璃为主,而出现火灾的时候,人们去打开窗户又会浪费逃生时间。 火灾报警系统被用于多个工业场合,高温加工工厂、地下车库、体育馆、具名住宅等。然而随着火灾报警系统完善和日新月异的技术发展,火灾报警系统作为具有提前预知功能的系统而对于公共事业或者工业生产,避免火灾隐患事故,保障生命财产安全显得尤其重要。 关键字:单片机;火灾报警系统;温度检测;A/D芯片 Abstract:With the reform and development of social science and technology and industrial technology,single - chip microcomputer has increasingly become the industrial control, artificial intelligence, terminal equipment and other places used to control chip.In twenty-first Century, under the background of industrial intelligent automation, intelligent automatic obviously become the people to save labor force , remain within doors can know everything in the world. However, in the big and medium cities, real estate developers all spring ing up.which is facing the residential high-rise building. Fire alarm system also played early detection, predict, so as to effectively reduce or even eliminate the hidden trouble of safety has become the current high-rise housing residents concerns. This design works, fire detection and alarm system, the use of highly integrated single chip microcomputer of 51as the main control chip for real-time monitoring The fire detection is used of detection , using SCM to control the system, has good stability and fast detection, 51 micro controller through the extension of 8 bit A/D transformation chip. The use of carbon ion concentration sensor for the detection of temperature, in the air, at the same time as the simulation of the design of the high-rise building, only alarm function is far from enough, the simulation window automatically opens, because modern building window is to the glass


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